12-04-2024 04:22 PM
HI my name is NIkhil Dhage. I am an legally blind visually impared individual. I recently bought the meta quest 3. I was interested in exploring VR/XR to see if it could possibly help me for my needs. The intial setup was very hard as i could not see the menu or setup screen because it was too far away and small. I fumbled aaround trying to see if i could change some settings. I found the accessibility options but was disappointed to see there was no system level magnification built in. That is is huge benefit to me so i can zoom in and out of apps and programs very easily. I also was was disapointed to see there was no setting or built screen reader to read aloud feature for text-to -speech. I can use operating systems without read aloud , but if i can't bring the screen close to me or go close to a screen or window text-to- speech helps me navigate. I have other friends that have used VR/XR headsets like the quest , but sadly because of my vison disability i can't experience virtual reality or mixed reality like others . IN the future i would like to see . built in zoom in and out magnification system wide in horizon OS and i would aalso love to see screen reader or ttetxt-to-speech support to navigate the menu and settings for the whole system. Also, i have some issue when going to close to window the window go white i would love to see a setting to turn this off and be able to go as close as i need to the window to see.
If anyone has any fixes for these issues please post
Thank you
01-03-2025 11:59 AM
Hi NIkhil
I am also a low vision user on the quest 3. A few tips I could suggest for you is that if you "undock" a window (drag it out of the default interface above the menu bar) so that it is floating wherever you want, you should be able to get a bit closer to it before it goes white now. Another useful way to make windows larger is to make them 'full screen' The icon in the top right that has the 4 arrows pointing outwards. If you are using the quest sitting down, I suggest start standing and move the virtual windows where you want them to be in your room first. Then you should be able to sit closer to the VR window to see the content better. Does that make sense?
You probably already have found it, but in the settings under accessibility, you can set the text size of the menus a bit larger as well. It's not as big as we would like it, but it is better than the default size.
One last tip, in the meta browser, you can zoom the content on there by using both controllers and "pinching " like on a smart phone. (move the pointer cursors away from each other) You can then with one controller, drag the content around at the new scale.
I hope some of these ideas help! Like you, hoping Meta continues to add more features for low vision.