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Retired Support

The Public Test Channel (PTC) for Quest and Quest 2 v.39 is starting to roll out today. Let's use this thread for collecting feedback on it. Share your impressions and let us know if you see any issues. Please make sure to also send in bug reports along with posting here if you notice anything wrong.


When sharing feedback, try to include as much detail as possible to help the team investigate.


Any news on what's new? PC software also updated to Are there release notes?


Got v 39 on both headset and app. Headset updated the controllers then rebooted. I see the logo, 3 dots, controllers and have sound, but no menu. Everything else is black. Rebooting didn't resolve the issue. Only thing of note is I had Guardian disabled before updating. 


Edit: Factory rest. On version Run Time Peachy so far


Is Link compatible with Windows 11 now? No release notes here.


Got some "not responding guardian" errors after update. Gone after I choose option to kill it instead of waiting.


Also got "Driver update required" notice on PC, first time since I got Quest 2 a year back 🙂


EDIT: Also, update reset home environment and reset my night mode settinfs (turned it off and reset intensity level).

Heroic Explorer

Can you respond to any of the numerous app sharing error posts?

Heroic Explorer

I now have v39 on both the headset and PC app.

Of course incompatibility with Win 11.


Now there are two instances of PCVR in Airlink.


"Airlink PC"


"Airlink PC (1) 

Not Connected


Re: Space Sense
I still find the current implementation of Space Sense to be totally useless, even with the new setting, because I almost always my guardian slightly overlapping with something, e.g. the corner of my bean bag, my small backpack, my shoes etc, in the edge of my guardian. If I were to make my guardian small enough to not overlap with anything, then I wouldn't be able to move.

Currently, Space Sense is simply constantly active for me, because of aforementioned small stationary objects.
Also, I would like to use Space Sense to know if somebody is entering the room (outside of my guardian.
Lastly, the new distance settings are in imperial units. We don't use feet and other body parts as measuring units where I live.

1) Make Space Sense ignore stationary objects.
2) Make Space Sense be activated by moving objects outside the guardian zone, as well.
3) Make Space Sense settings in metric

Heroic Explorer

This is precisely what I envisioned when they first announced it.

I certainly don't need a reminder the back of a chair is there.


Just let me know if you detect movement within my drawn area.

Retired Support

The sharing team is looking into that one right now. We'll try to merge the threads together and get a message up in there. Thanks for the reminder!

Heroic Explorer

I respect you for giving me an answer, thank you 

Retired Support

Not with this version, but the team is still working on it. As soon as Win11 support is ready, I'll be sure to let everyone know!

Expert Protege

Please make win11 support a priority, some of us can't roll back anymore and it basically makes the Quest 2 useless on PC (unless using Virtual Desktop, but I much prefer airlink). 

  • Space Sense range options added.
  • Controllers got a new update (my controllers were glitching out bad after).
  • New power off screen.


  • IMG_3994.JPGIMG_3995.JPG

I do have a bug report, but this one actually started in V38, but I forgot to report it. It still hasn't resolved with v39 so here you go: When I teleport to a different location in my Oculus Home, my desk and couch guardians change their location to a place where they are not located in reference to where they are in my home. This makes it harder to find the the physical objects that they portray without taking my headset off. To make matters in even worse, when I do find that guardian and use it, like my desk for example, it doesn't correct itself but instead still is in a different location then where it should be. See picture below in which I am sitting in my desk guardian, but the digital representation of my desk is in a different location:




version .39


Would someone please tape over the cameras and lay down to fix lights off conditions once and for all.


On Initial boot... Meta icon and 3 dots appear center of screen regardless of orientation, either laying down or sitting upright,  when room lights are off the warning image that follows with confirmation box is not center of screen vertically even after pressing Oculus button on controller,  making you have to sit back up to select confirmation button,  also the pointer dot randomly starts un-aligned with controller,  even after pressing Oculus button to attempt alignment,  you have to point in very odd direction to select even behind you.  Pointer not correctly initialized until virtual home Environment starts.


When creating boundries, the instructions are blocking view of pointer.


After confirming the lights are dim and tracking is being turned off, you are notfied a second time in the home environment... a tad annoying...


I like the animation tweaks in the Space Station Home Environment,  but the ships pass behind the starfield so the stars are closer than the ships. 


The ships also pass thu each other like Tie Fighters in Star Wars😉 specifically when looking out the upper planetary viewport 😉



Can't paste from browser to bug report in headset.





PC version:


Virtual audio drivers when connected via Link to Quest 2 were not operational and did not show up on any audio options on Windows 10. Link started with a "No audio detected" error. Restarting Quest 2, rebooting Oculus software on PC, and doing a reset of all drivers didn't fix the issue. The only thing that fixed it was restarted my entire computer.


If this is required for the drivers to work, there should be a message prompting the user to restart their computer to finish installing.


Biggest issue is that the ability to change the refresh rate on the Quest 2 has been removed. It's stuck on 72Hz, with no ability to change. Options no longer present for 120Hz in experimental. Refresh rate options also have been removed when using Quest Link.

Expert Protege

Same here....only 72Hz, no way to chanche it.

Then i´m trying to leave the PTC and i hoped after a factory reset it will work.....but NO. i can not enter the PTC, because PTC is full, so i will get no fast fix in the future. 😞


If guardian was off you end up in black void. Factory reset fixes it until you turn off guardian again. You will end up in the void at the next restart if guardian is off.


Same situation. Left PTC, now it’s full and can’t re-enter, so have to wait until next regular release to see if it’s fixed.

Honored Guest

Yep, I factory reset - due to having the void issue, which was caused by disabling guardian. Can't re-enter PTC, since it is full.. why does it kick people out of PTC after factory reset? It seems like an odd thing to do, especially to people who opt-in to test things and might need to factory reset often to see if it resolves.


I have two problems:
- Return of the blur as in the version 37 at the beginning.
- When there is a notification coming from the phone on the headset we hear at the same time the music from the quest home (I'm in link).

Honored Guest

Is it only me or v39 does lag the Quest 2 very often, especially in the UI or while opening apps?


Current PTC v39 or no W11 support for v39 at all?

Expert Protege

Strange is, with link or airlink there is only the 72Hz Setting.


With ALVR you can choose other Hz, but it´s always 72Hz.


With Virtual Desktop all is working, but with this i have some microstutters, airlink with same settings runs smooth, but now, like i said, only with 72Hz.


and still no free PTC places.....why limited PTC?!


Yeah, the device is locked to 72Hz no matter what. They completely pulled out the feature for other refresh rates. I’m not doing PTC anymore after the next public release comes out. PTC is full anyway, so can’t join.


Give us the ability to opt out of PTC. It shows full even though I'm in the PTC. It should be a simple switch to turn it off and on, not an exclusive night club.


You can checkout of PTC anytime (from the mobile app), but your device can never leave that version until next public release. No other indication in the quest of what release channel you are on.


From my usual knowledge of HW I'd say for what you say to be the case they need to burn fuses with the device (un-downgradable bootloader) I used to install fws through fastboot on quest 2 because I didn't want to wait for the slow roll outs but I'm not willing to take a risk of soft-bricking now. I'll stop using the device for a month or whenever Sultan Zuckerberg or his slaves publish the older firmware for people who are stuck in the black void.

Expert Protege

I tried to flash the old (v38) Firmware with adb, but my quest 2 said, that´s not allowed to flash a older firmware. 😞 i have no longer passion to use it with the 72Hz limit...i wait and wait and wait, i´m sad.

(PTC is always full)


I read that flashing an older version wasn’t possible anymore, so I didn’t try.  Looks like stuck in PTC v39 purgatory. Hopefully the development team sees this issue and fixes it for public release. I’m also hoping they don’t take longer than a month for the next release. Based on the previous release history, should expect a public release within 2 months at the latest.


72Hz is very jarring, and one of the main reasons I got a Quest 2 was because of the advertised ability to display different refresh rates up to 120Hz. When I look in the menu of some games and the higher refresh rates are missing, it’s a dejecting feeling. Because I know the device is performant enough for those higher rates. 

I think as a consumer, I’ll be happy on the public releases as long as all the standards expected features are present with no major regressions. This experience showed me it’s too much of a risk for me to be on bleeding edge, testing things and suffering if it breaks. I’m used to the ability to roll back when thing go wrong in software development. Being stuck never feels good.


Hello, I got the firmware V39 on my Quest 2 four days ago. Now I have bought Vermillion. The app does not install. Have also tried apps from applab to install . It does not work. Apps that were already on the glasses can be installed without any problems.

On my 2nd Quest 2 is still the V38. There the apps can be installed without any problems.

I do not dare to do a factory reset on the glasses with V39 because I'm afraid that then nothing more can be installed.



I noticed that the glasses with V39 are displayed twice in the smartphone app. oculus.jpg


I was brave enough to do a factory reset. Now only a circle turns in the purchased apps and nothing can be installed.



also I can´t step into the public test channel. I hope there is any solution. 😪

Honored Guest

I'm in the same situation. Happy to see I'm not alone, was getting worried for a second 😄


Same issue here, cannot enter ptc, I will have to deal with a paperweight until they push an update 😔


Screenshot_20220327_221924.jpgAfter the factory reset I have no apps on the quest 2. But now I can choose install on the smartphone. It tells me Installation in the queue. And in the quest2 i see a turning circle. 


here are some images of the issues I have and I believe HSSIXTY describes as well




Yes McSpankis, same on my Quest 2.

Expert Protege

Hmmm, my search engine said, since 2020 users ask, why rollback is not allowed for, 2 years later....same problem.

This V39 is a´s like "here the rubish, now go door is closed"

...not only firmware, no also PTC....oh my god.


best would be, make a V40 (this is v38 with new branding) and let us update it!

Not applicable

Cacoon, hibernating,


Opted out again,


On hold till v43 or so,


Accumulate deficiencies and max them out, full throttle!


Experiment with the Calendar in the Settings!


Explore needs a Globe and Store needs a Custom Feed!


People needs a Hierarchy and Sharing and Apps also

needs a Custom Feed!


A text only detail list of all store available quest 2 apps

sorted alphabetically and by release date month, I would

ask for a site, but I'd prefer them in Explore and Store

filters, and less notification suggestions, that's about all

this round, one at a time please, thanks!


Your choice,




I just chatted with the support. There they came to the conclusion that it could be due to the update and I should be patient until the next update in the hope that it is then fixed. I now have the impression that the glasses can not connect to the appstore. The app reports that the heatset is not connected to the Internet. But this is the case, because the Promotionvideos run perfectly and the app is also market as purchased. Hopefully the installation of an update is not also blocked. Updates from the PTC are no longer possible because the setting was disabled by the factory reset and can no longer be activated. I think I will no more aktivate the PTC in future. In the meantime I have useless glasses

Expert Protege

I notice a little bit strange thing....


In VD i can choose 60Hz for the Quest2, normally this setting has much flicker and it´s good for eye-cancer.

This flicker is completely gone, no difference to a higher setting, that mean, i can now play with VD in 60Hz without flicker and much performance.


...another problem of this firmware is, when i start my quest2, at the point, when normally the menu is opening, i only see the three dots but darker and nothing happens. I must turn off display, turn on again and then it´s working correctly.


I came to the same conclusion. This is unacceptable for a headset that is almost brand new. I hope that something is done so we aren’t left waiting weeks for an update 🤦‍:male_sign:


I just found this thread, and I'm both so glad and disappointed at the same time that I'm not the only one with the problem with being unable to install apps! (And some default system apps after factory resetting not even installing like the Oculus Browser!)



I think there are many more users with the problem. I only noticed it when I bought a new app. As long as you don't want to install anything new you don't notice it. It´s also disappointing that no moderator here responds to this.

Expert Protege

I read about this problem, but god bless, i´m a only PCVR user....


i had to test more with VD, but it looks like, i will block more updates and use this firmware with´s so great, i think this firmware was not from Oculus, it´s from VD. 😂


(60Hz without drops or flicker and performance is wow)


I found this on my goolge search. So i think there are many more with the problem. I hope meta will fix it soon. V39 is dangerous 


Are you guys aware of the "missing app library" bug? Since v39, all of my apps have disappeared and I can't start anything from the phone app either. I have tried factory resetting and re-logging into the phone app (instructions from support) but nothing is working to get my standalone app library to show up in the headset. There are a few reddit threads about this from the last week or so.