Thanks everyone for all your feedback on our previous builds, several bugs were identified in PTC v62 and the solutions for some have shipped, while others are on the way!
The Public Test Channel (PTC) for Quest v63 is starting to roll out soon for Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro, and Meta Quest 3.
If you're seeing an issue or bug after updating to PTC v63 jump on over to ourGet Helpboard and search for any existing thread, if you don't find one, make a new thread. Please add the tag "PTC v63" to the thread and in the title. This way everyone can look for just PTC v63 issuestoo.
It's best if you can post each bug you spot in its own thread, to keep track of individual issues separately.
Share your impressions and let us know if you see any issues. Please make sure to also send in bug reports along with posting on the forums if you notice anything going wrong.
We know it's tough when you run into a problem on a PTC build and want to thank you all again for testing out PTC and sharing your feedback! This feedback is extremely helpful to our engineering teams. We appreciate your interest and persistence in testing out the core functionality of software as we develop!
@JackWW51 okay so there is a ton of good games to mod on and you choose gorilla tag a game where it says than you shouldnt cheat like bro just be normal and get bonelab or even blade and sorcery for modding fix it asap tho
If someone is using a PTC firmware update... then it really isn't official now is it. There should be a way to revert back to the original working firmware without having to wait for weeks or months for an official release. I am wasting a lot of time hoping that my device will work, when it isn't. I will not be recommending this device to anyone, especially since I have a PSVR2 and what they are working through to make it PC VR compatible. When that happens, Meta may be in serious trouble. Let this sink it Mark... it isn't all about how much money you can money you can make in the shortest amount of time... cause in the end, you will lose it from customers no longer buying your products because of shoddy work. "-Nough said"
i have a compliant meta the modding through android data files will be locked in the new v63 update can you guys do something can you guys fix the patch to grant people access to android data file to upload mods to their game
Hey everyone! I've seen a lot of y'all posting about the blocked scoped storage issue that came about with PTC v63 and I wanted to provide an update regarding this issue. After consulting with our internal team, they've informed me that they're looking into it. To be clear, this wasn't something intended as part of PTC v63 update, but something brought about by the Android update that came with PTC v63. I will be continuing to work with our internal team, but will be updating a different post. For updates regarding scoped storage, please refer to the thread here: PTC v63 Scoped Storage Stealth Update. Please feel free to reach out there with questions as well! Thank you all for your patience during this time, it's greatly appreciated!
Although the wifi on the quest 3 is better on 6e, it still seems to drop connection during a longer session maybe once. If its the quest 3 is this being looked at, I know the pro took a few updates to get a 6e connection stable. I am on runtime
I know this will be a controversial topic, but there has been a enormous modding scene on Quest 1, 2 and 3 with people installing Nexus/Other mods into their games without needing a phone or computer. And the introduction of Scoped Storage in V51 slowed modding for a month with the blocking on /Android/data, but a work around was eventually found with Scoped Storage that allowed access to all the juicy game/files/Mods folders. But the V63 update has stealth updated Scoped Storage without notice and imposed additional restrictions that are more strict then Android 13. This update will stop the average of 20k users a day from installing mods on a device they own without needing a computer or phone.
Just to state, if I point Scoped Storage to /Android/data, in the past, it would allow the user to grant access to the folder. But after V63 it and all children are blocked due to privacy concerns.
Now still, a user can plug into their computer and access the the /Android/data content, which kind of makes locking it up from itself a weird flex of requiring a PC to mod their games.
bro here's my honest opinion ur gonna get rid of everyones ability to import mods to games iike bonelabs beatsaber and games that don't have a mod loader but what i think u should instead do is oh here are some things to focus on like an exclusive game that will be a banger a emulator with classics a free or paid marvel/dc online comic book reader have a presitation about how the women get rights or teach us about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities like u give us educational stuff about women and black people but not disabled and there are alot of disabled people in vrchat improve he batterey life on the quest 3 or the quest 2 fix the glitches that actually have been around for months partner up with epic games to make fortnite vr possible fix the bullying problem fix the child preditor problem and one more update try to add a cloud streaming service for pcvr so we can play pcvr games without a good pc but u decide to get rid of the ability for users to import mods hey look im not trying to be mean hateful or angry but im just being honest and telling u what the people want
Meta Quest Link App Version (
After getting these versions Qirlink no longer works well.
Stuttering that makes everything unplayable and constant disconnection from airlink.
Obviously I have no idea if these problems are related to this firmware update, but my hardware/software configuration has not changed and the problems started immediatly after receiving the latest firmware update mentioned above.
I wanted to share that a MAJOR issue for me was resolved by this PTC v63: The rainbow/flashy/sparkles that occured with Virtual Desktop on high resolutions and bitrates are resolved by this update. This was a huge deal to me as a Virtual Desktop user and highlights that Meta is listening and does fix things. A sincere Kudos to their team for tackling this issue. Apparently the decoder was goofing up or getting overwhelmed by the Virtual desktop decode. This is completely resolved for me with PTC v63. Thank you so much @Ryanality
I need to menage the internal memory of the Quest 3 from app, 128gb is not enough space but I wish to have the games ready to play when I wear the headset. In order to do it I could rely on the Quest App, but today it's not possible to find a game installation manager in app. I wish to see a list of owned games, and be able to uninstall/install the preferred apps from remote using the app. To skip the annoying part of doing that from inside the headset, since there is the wait to download and install, other than difficulty to do it in vr for me. There is not a specific are other than that, that simplifies the process afaik.
I opted in and then saw all the blowback on v63 so I turned off updates until its fixed. I dont want to have a crippled Q3 for months with no downgrade to 62 currently possible.
Beating a dead horse here, but not including any kind of release notes to the PTC participants is just not smart... Tell us what you improved, modified, fixed and "Help us, to Help you."
Build v63 is starting to go live for everyone, and there's a new build of the v63 PTC going out as well. We've fixed the problem with scoped storage, with the fix in both software versions shipping out.
Laying down mode ???? I thought the idea of the PTC was to get the latest features for testing before going live ?? No lying down mode on my Quest Pro here in the UK, but then I still don't have voice commands either so it doesn't surprise me!! What is the point of the PTC now ? as Non PTC users are getting features before I do..???? No wonder meta can't fix bugs that are months old, as there must be so many variations of the software across the world that it's next to impossible to track bugs relating to a certain build..! Sort you S**T out meta.
Curently on Q3 v63.0.0.240 which I think is the full release and scoped storage is still there! Obviously no laying down mode on Q3 which is sad to see. I hope they bring it to Q3 in v64/65.
This Patch Will Mess With Scoped Storage, Thus Removing The Meta Standalone Modding Comunity. Making Most Moddable games Useless, Driving down sales. Please Reconsider This Update. As Games like, Bonelab, blade and sorcery and many more.
Guys meta is releasing updates chunk by chunks which mean we need to wait a bit if they do it like that its just than its faster to get every quest on the same update
For those asking, I disabled updates before it had a chance, I'm still on V62. dont care about Quest Cash and lying down mode isn't on the q3, so I'm waiting for the next ga release, especially since there isnt a rollback option. I may load it onto my Q2, though.
Bring back Scoped Storage. You have ruined carreers, games, and modding overall on standalone. Its so stupid that we don't have freedom of our own headset that WE bought.