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Retired Support
These features and enhancements will become available starting on 11/13/2020

Oculus Move

  • From slashing boxes in Beat Saber to mowing down zombies in Arizona Sunshine, you can now keep track of the estimated calories you burn and how long you’ve been physically active across any app or game in VR with our new platform feature, Oculus Move
  • Oculus Move allows you to set daily goals and track progress based on estimated calories burned and time spent being physically active in VR.
  • Please note, Oculus Move is rolling out gradually starting next week, so some users may not see this feature right away.

Quest 2 Frame Rate

  • With this release, Quest 2 headsets can now run natively at 90 Hz by default. This higher frame rate has been shown to provide a smoother visual experience and improve your time spent in VR overall.
    • To start, system level software will run at 90 Hz. Additional app adoption is based on developer discretion. Developers will have full-access to this feature as part of the upcoming SDK release.

Voice Commands

  • You can now access your Voice Activity in your headset. This means that you’ll be able to view, hear and delete your voice interactions while you’re still in-VR. To manage your voice activity:
    • Put on your Quest or Quest 2 headset, then select Settings > Voice Commands > Activity Log
  • You’ll still be able to access your Voice Activity from your mobile app or from the Oculus website as well.

Voice Dictation

  • Automatic punctuation: No more saying ‘comma’ or ‘period’ when you want to add punctuation to your dictation. In this release we’ve added automatic punctuation and capitalization to Voice Dictation, making it easier and more efficient to type with your voice.
    • As you speak, dictation will automatically fill in periods, commas, question marks and capitalization. Afterwards, you can give us a thumbs up or thumbs down to provide feedback on your experience.
      • Note: This experience will gradually roll out to English speaking users in the US & Canada.
  • Dictation from the Search bar: Voice Dictation will now be conveniently integrated within the Oculus search bar. Instead of triggering dictation from the keyboard, you can now quickly find it in the Search bar where your query will auto-submit so you can get your search result within seconds.
    • Note: This experience will gradually roll out to English speaking users in the US & Canada.

Voice Commands, Voice Dictation & Predictive Text availability

  • All three features will now be available to English speaking users in Canada.
    • Please note these features will be rolled out to English speaking users in Canada gradually over time.


  • To help improve the readability of text in-VR, you now have the option to adjust the font size for text that appears in your headset. To do this, select Settings > Device > Text Size.

Mobile App

  • We’ve updated the Oculus mobile app to allow you to seamlessly launch app content the next time you put on your headset. This means that the next time you see a challenge you want to join or an event you want to attend in the mobile app, you can save it and have it show up in your headset.
    • Please note this feature is currently an experiment and may not be available to all users at this time.


  • We’ve made software enhancements to both Quest and Quest 2 to reduce latency and improve your in-VR experience.

In-VR Experience

  • To help keep you comfortable from anywhere in VR, you can now grab and move both the keyboard and menu bar to a more optimal position for your situation.
  • With this release we’ve introduced the ability to complete additional tasks from within an app without having to return to your Home. This means that sending friend requests, sharing media, making in-app purchases and more can be completed without leaving your current app or experience.
    • Please note, this feature is dependent on developers implementing Focus Awareness and updating their SDK to v23.
  • We've also rolled out the new universal menu bar to all first-generation Quest headsets.


  • We know it can be overwhelming for new users to enter VR for the first time, so we’ve created some new features to help. These include:
    • Getting to Know your Quest: A series of mini tutorial experiences to introduce you to the basics of VR.
    • Progress bar: See which tutorials you’ve completed and what you can do next.
    • Achievements: Just like your favorite apps and games, get achievements for completing tutorials and leveling up the time you spend in-VR.
      • Please note that these features are part of an experiment and may not be available to all users at this time.


  • You can now seamlessly upload and download files to and from your headset via Browser. Upload a video to YouTube, download photos from Dropbox, or share files via Google Docs, all without ever having to leave VR.

Bug Reporting

  • We’ve introduced the ability for you to let us know when something isn’t working by reporting a bug. Bug reporting helps us recognize issues and make adjustments to improve your overall in-VR experience.
    • To report a bug, select Settings > About > Report a Bug or visit Quick Actions and select the Bug Reporter Icon.
    • Please note, the Bug Reporter is rolling out gradually, so some users may not see this feature right away.
    • Also please note, Oculus Support does not respond to bug submissions. If you need assistance, please contact our support team directly.

Quest apps on Quest 2

  • If you had a Quest headset and upgrade to a Quest 2, you’ll now have the option to automatically download your previously downloaded apps from your Quest when you finish setting up your Quest 2.
    • Note: You can always re-download apps associated with your account on a new device, this specific update streamlines the process by surfacing the option to download multiple apps at the end of your Quest 2 setup.

Quest Display

  • We’ve improved the Pixel density for Quest, leading to improved image resolution.
    • This enhancement is for the first-generation Oculus Quest only.


  • Sharing what’s happening in your headset just got even easier with web casting. With this update, we’ve enabled casting to on a desktop web browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
  • When casting to the Oculus App on iOS and Android, you can now record what’s being cast directly on the phone where it will save to the device’s camera roll.

  • We’ve made improvements to Guardian to reduce unintended drift or positional movement.
  • We’ve fixed a bug that caused some larger apps to fail to download.
  • We’ve fixed a bug that caused some headsets to go into sleep mode while actively watching video in media apps.
Q1 been checking for updates on the HMD no go still v.20, software has been 23 for a while - now my link does not work AT ALL. 
It worked 100% no issues until the differences in versions. I tried to roll back the PC software NOPE. 

quest 1 still on version 20 . frustraitng havent recived v21 now i dont recive v23 . nederland

quest 1 still on version 20 . frustraitng havent recived v21 now i dont recive v23 . nederland

I think that everyone who complains on this thread gets pushed out another week, lol!

Plumes said:

I have a quest 1 for over a year. I've never had a problem with updates. Right now I'm at the update 20 . I didn't receive the update 23. and it's November 26th. It's been 13 days since the update 23 is distributed. I tried everything to close and open the quest several times. Nothing. On my pc version 23 is installed and I'm asked to take me up to date the Oculus headset. I don't have a face book account. If that's what's blocking the update it's outrageous because when I buy my Quest I was given a choice. Face book account or personal account. I would like to see that agreement respected.  I contacted the Support Service Oculus and I am advised to put my helmet at factory value. I don't want to do this because I have to back up everything my applications and I'm not sure it will work. I live in Canada (Quebec) and I'm mad to wait after this update .

You can update manually:
Thank you Yobiwan29. I'll wait another week. If I have received nothing it may be that I install it manually. I never understood why Oculus has such a complicated update download system
Expert Protege

Resistoon said:

OMG, 90Hz with the Link is awesome! You do have to enable it in the desktop software, but it is smooth like butter.

Also, my desktop and Quest 2 updated, but not my Quest 1, so they may be prioritizing Quest 2.

I'm not seeing a difference with my Quest 2 being 90Hz compared to how it was prior.  It was always smooth before, at least for me.  Is 90Hz supposed to reduce motion sickness with certain games?

It's the same for me. 72hz is perfectly smooth and the difference to 90hz is barely noticeable for me, even in fast games. But people are different. There are those than can't even do anything in VR without getting motion sick unless it's 90hz+.
Since I ran out of patience I did the manual update on my Q1 yesterday according to this Youtube link:

It was accomplished in not even 10 minutes and now works like a charm. Due to the higher resolution it feels like a complete new enhanced HMD 🙂
Everything is working perfectly (as far as I have tested) including Link and Virtual Desktop

Software versions are:
- on both my PCs
- on Quest

Expert Protege

Plumes said:

I have a quest 1 for over a year. I've never had a problem with updates. Right now I'm at the update 20 . I didn't receive the update 23. and it's November 26th. It's been 13 days since the update 23 is distributed. I tried everything to close and open the quest several times. Nothing. On my pc version 23 is installed and I'm asked to take me up to date the Oculus headset. I don't have a face book account. If that's what's blocking the update it's outrageous because when I buy my Quest I was given a choice. Face book account or personal account. I would like to see that agreement respected.  I contacted the Support Service Oculus and I am advised to put my helmet at factory value. I don't want to do this because I have to back up everything my applications and I'm not sure it will work. I live in Canada (Quebec) and I'm mad to wait after this update .

 I don't think this has something to do with the account: I use my facebook account with Quest1 (v. 20) and still shows me that there's no update available...
Expert Protege
Also it is very funny that when I connect my Quest to the PC via link, Oculus software displays the message: "to use Oculus link we advise to update the Quest software. Install the update in the information section of your headset"...yeah well but in that section there's no update available 😄
This is exactly the same answer I got from oculus. markwest76. Now I have been told that my request is made to a higher level to confirm the date of the updates in my region (Canada Quebec). Why doesn't he give us a link to download the update so we'll finish waiting every time. Sorry guys for my answers in machine translation. (I speak French) and it's easier to express my answers in English.
I am still waiting for my Quest 1 to update. My Quest 2 updated quickly after the release which is the main thing 🙂
Not applicable

Plumes said:

 Why doesn't he give us a link to download the update so we'll finish waiting every time. Sorry guys for my answers in machine translation. (I speak French) and it's easier to express my answers in English.

 You can download it but its not just a casual update.
Its a firmware update and to install it is a kind of a Hack which could brick your quest if not done correctly.  
i get my oculus quest 2 soon
Same issue, still no update for original Quest. More than 2 weeks passed already, headset always charged and connected to the Internet.
Not applicable
Perhaps we are the lucky ones and oculus knew it was a little dodgy so only chucked it out to so many for Feedback which isnt the best so far.
Honored Guest
Finally got mine last night. Pretty slow roll out....

Plumes said:

 Why doesn't he give us a link to download the update so we'll finish waiting every time. Sorry guys for my answers in machine translation. (I speak French) and it's easier to express my answers in English.

 You can download it but its not just a casual update.
Its a firmware update and to install it is a kind of a Hack which could brick your quest if not done correctly.  

I was saying an official update of Oculus. Directly on the Oculus website. Like most of the programs. I can flash the bios of my pc directly on the site of my mother card. An update should be made on the Oculus website and provided by Oculus.


Not applicable
Ahh i see what you mean but i guess they just want to force them ( although not doing a great job right now ) 
I just got another v23 update for my Q1 a couple of hours ago (sorry I did not note the version details but it's still v23.x).

I was already on V23 which has been working well so I cannot see much difference.  Also, it was a pretty fast download/update so maybe not too many changes if you already had the initial v23.  

Maybe it addresses a few v23 issues some were having, and maybe the reason for the delay in shipping it out to others.  Who knows?    Only thing I've noticed so far is that my Q1 wireless with Virtual desktop seems a tiny bit smoother with most apps.

TomCgcmfc said:

I just got another v23 update for my Q1 a couple of hours ago (sorry I did not note the version details but it's still v23.x).

I was already on V23 which has been working well so I cannot see much difference.  Also, it was a pretty fast download/update so maybe not too many changes if you already had the initial v23.  

Maybe it addresses a few v23 issues some were having, and maybe the reason for the delay in shipping it out to others.  Who knows?    Only thing I've noticed so far is that my Q1 wireless with Virtual desktop seems a tiny bit smoother with most apps.

I got an update on my Quest 2 as well when I was on v23 already. I wasn't having any issues before but hope it helps others
Same here. Just got an additional update of v23. Can't see any difference.
My Q1 finally updated today to v23. No issues. 😃
Not applicable
LOL congrats still no joy here. But its running just fine so no complaints either.
Heroic Explorer

That sucks.  I'm in the same boat as you @Plumes. No update and I've had the Quest for a while.   My CV1 updated without any issued. I did log into my Facebook account with both and still no update on the Quest 1.  I don't want to side load it.  I've always had a good experience with Oculus and Facebook.  This sucks.  I'm actually waiting on this update before replacing my CV1 with the Quest 2, but now I'm not sure on what to do.  =(

Plumes said:

I have a quest 1 for over a year. I've never had a problem with updates. Right now I'm at the update 20 . I didn't receive the update 23. and it's November 26th. It's been 13 days since the update 23 is distributed. I tried everything to close and open the quest several times. Nothing. On my pc version 23 is installed and I'm asked to take me up to date the Oculus headset. I don't have a face book account. If that's what's blocking the update it's outrageous because when I buy my Quest I was given a choice. Face book account or personal account. I would like to see that agreement respected.  I contacted the Support Service Oculus and I am advised to put my helmet at factory value. I don't want to do this because I have to back up everything my applications and I'm not sure it will work. I live in Canada (Quebec) and I'm mad to wait after this update .

My Quest just updated not 5 mins ago  - ~ 2851 for runtime
not sure which I like best Q or Q2,Q2 for me just has such a narrow field of focus
Q2 seems to eat batteries but life on touch2 is amazing now,playing for days and still at 100%

Expert Protege

That sucks.  I'm in the same boat as you @Plumes. No update and I've had the Quest for a while.   My CV1 updated without any issued. I did log into my Facebook account with both and still no update on the Quest 1.  I don't want to side load it.  I've always had a good experience with Oculus and Facebook.  This sucks.  I'm actually waiting on this update before replacing my CV1 with the Quest 2, but now I'm not sure on what to do.  =(

Plumes said:

I have a quest 1 for over a year. I've never had a problem with updates. Right now I'm at the update 20 . I didn't receive the update 23. and it's November 26th. It's been 13 days since the update 23 is distributed. I tried everything to close and open the quest several times. Nothing. On my pc version 23 is installed and I'm asked to take me up to date the Oculus headset. I don't have a face book account. If that's what's blocking the update it's outrageous because when I buy my Quest I was given a choice. Face book account or personal account. I would like to see that agreement respected.  I contacted the Support Service Oculus and I am advised to put my helmet at factory value. I don't want to do this because I have to back up everything my applications and I'm not sure it will work. I live in Canada (Quebec) and I'm mad to wait after this update .

My Quest just updated not 5 mins ago  - ~ 2851 for runtime
not sure which I like best Q or Q2,Q2 for me just has such a narrow field of focus
Q2 seems to eat batteries but life on touch2 is amazing now,playing for days and still at 100%

Quest 2 can't report the real battery usage and people are happy about that...
Heroic Explorer
On as well and can confirm that the software is not reporting real battery usage on controllers.
Heroic Explorer

Sofian75 said:

Quest 2 can't report the real battery usage and people are happy about that...

Oh didn't know such thing?
So its like next showing of % would be like 75% not 99% kinda thing?
Or it's just borked?
Heroic Explorer

Sofian75 said:

Quest 2 can't report the real battery usage and people are happy about that...

Oh didn't know such thing?
So its like next showing of % would be like 75% not 99% kinda thing?
Or it's just borked?

It's staying 100% to dead for me.
Not applicable
Wow .. Suddenly update available.
Letting it do its thing so i will let you know how it pans out.
Heroic Explorer

It's staying 100% to dead for me.

Oh cr4p that bad,thought it was too good to be true hahah
Heroic Explorer
Just got an update on my Q1 here,  It's definitely clearer now in the menus and oculus native games but I'm getting some hitches in my right screen when passthrough is enabled.  It may just be one of those things that goes away with a restart like the old audio crackling issues.  Even if it doesn't it's just in passthrough, I don't care enough to contact support.

I'm glad I finally got it but seriously oculus, how hard is it to get one of your employees to come on the update post and say "We have temporarily stopped pushing the update due to some reported issues and will resume once a resolution has been found."

Sofian75 said:

Quest 2 can't report the real battery usage and people are happy about that...

Oh didn't know such thing?
So its like next showing of % would be like 75% not 99% kinda thing?
Or it's just borked?

It's staying 100% to dead for me.

Battery levels with my Q1 seem to be reporting ok with latest v23 update.
Expert Protege
just got .83 from .76. on my q2 but no visible difference. might be a bit better tracking, got a bit naseaus on .76 and that seems to have dissapeared.
controller battery indication is fine, at 75% right now after at least 12 active hours.
Finally the update 23 has arrived. The technical department had just informed me that it could not respond to my request (why I did not receive the update 23 after several days of its release) and that I had to wait in the queue given the very high demand for Oculus user demand. I understand the situation with the arrival of Quest 2 . On the other hand I persist to say that the update of the quest should be simpler if Oculus had a download center accessible to users and owner of an oculus Quest headset. As for the update I don't see what might change on my Quest 1.  Except the graphic ease of change of the parameters in link . Instead of using the tool Oculus debug For me unfortunately it does not change much because I have a graphics card Ge force 1060 that is the minimum to have. J is waiting for the graphics card rtx series 3000 or AMD Radeon RX 6700.  and the I will surely see the quality of my Quest with oculus linck.  Quest 1 and 2 are a revolution in autonomous virtual headsets and I'm proud to have one
Not applicable
So far so good without issues so at least the wait may mean we got it with the reported issues fixed ?
Hate the new panel ( To black ) and just looks messy making everything behind go dark when you select something.

So far so good without issues so at least the wait may mean we got it with the reported issues fixed ?
Hate the new panel ( To black ) and just looks messy making everything behind go dark when you select something.

Not exactly sure what you mean mate?  If you are referring to the newer Universal Menu, initially I did not like it but after a few days use it has kinda grown on me and now I really like it.  As far as black panel backgrounds go these look good to me with my Q1.  Esp. with the higher Q1 pixel density that came with v23.  You are not using the night mode option by any chance?  Probably not, just thought I'd ask.
Not applicable
Na probably just me being fussy ... I found my way around the menu ok but im so used to the lighter grey ( like the main screen behind ) it just does not seem to blend in well.
I just got to used to the colour of the old one.
Updated to .86 on my Q1 (No FB account) -  Does sort of look sharper,  its reporting the controllers at 100% - which they definately arn't.  Wish there was a option to use "classic" home. 
i got my oculus quest 2 in 
Update 23 . Oculus wrote: we increased the amount of pixels for the first generation oculus, which improved the resolution of the image. Well, I don't see anything that's changed in the Home's resolution. If the resolution is increased I would like to know by how much.  I've already used Questasm software. And the I saw the result very improved The definition of the home was very clear. I doubled to 2048X2048 . It was great. Even increasing only half c was better. If anyone has seen a remarkable difference I would like to know. And I repeat myself I would like to know what resolution it increased

Plumes said:

Update 23 . Oculus wrote: we increased the amount of pixels for the first generation oculus, which improved the resolution of the image. Well, I don't see anything that's changed in the Home's resolution. If the resolution is increased I would like to know by how much.  I've already used Questasm software. And the I saw the result very improved The definition of the home was very clear. I doubled to 2048X2048 . It was great. Even increasing only half c was better. If anyone has seen a remarkable difference I would like to know. And I repeat myself I would like to know what resolution it increased

Looks pretty obvious to me with my Q1/v23 when I go into the browser and go to this forum.  Everything is much sharper and nicer to read.  Still a bit of delay when you scroll up/down though.  On the home screen there seems to be less jaggies on panel edges. 

I don't think resolution has changed (still = native I think), just pixel density (which should give a higher apparent res).  If you feel the need to know, maybe contact Oculus Support and see if any of their techs can explain the change.  Please let us know if you find out anything.  Thanks mate and cheers.

Yes, you're right Tom. I too notice a difference in the display of the notice board. But I'm disappointed they could increase native resolution by at least half. When I'm on home it's always a little blurry it lacks resolution. I'll try to contact the technical department to find out if it can be done. Otherwise why we announce such a minimal improvement . This is disconcarting for the owners of Oculus first generalization. As soon as I have an answer I will indicate it here on this post.
@Plumes  Ya, we always want more and better, lol!  I think that the Q1 (still luv mine btw) is limited by it's physical native resolution (1440x1600) vs the higher resolution of the Q2 (1832x1920), together with its faster processing chip.  I preordered a Q2 and there is a big improvement in clarity within the home screen and also for many standalone mobile VR games.  As a standalone media player the Q2 is pretty hard to beat imho.  With Link and wireless w/Virtual Desktop the difference was not quite so much but of course it was still a bit better with the Q2.  This was pre-v23 btw.

I ended up returning my Q2 and Elite strap to the Oculus store for a refund (which, thanks to Oculus Support I got without any problems).  This was due to a number of minor issues I had that included lack of proper IPD adjustment (mine's 69.0mm), sleep mode turning on every 2 minutes, kinda flimsy Elite strap, poor battery management, and lack of oled panels). 

Probably nothing that I could not have lived with and I'm sure Oculus will address the minor issued over time.  Seems that many have already been taken care of with v23 and I'm confident that more improvements will happen over the next 3-6 months.  For me, because I was near the end of my worry-free 30 day return window I decided to just return it.  I'll continue to monitor Q2 development and maybe I'll pick up another one later next year. 

In the meantime I'm very happy with my Q1 and I'm mainly using it wireless w/VD pcvr, occasionally for standalone mobile VR, and as a media player.  Currently most of my pcvr is with my Rift cv1 (at 2x SS) and my Vive Pro (mainly for flight/racing sims).  For now this seems to satisfy my VR needs and I think that my next major spend is going to be to update my 3yo gtx1080ti to a nice new rtx3080ti 20Gb Vram Q1-Q2 next year.
Not applicable
No probs with V23 so far . Link works fine, non of the other issues commented seem to have appeared so all is well.
I can see the difference in certain things with the pixel density but i have not tried all my games yet for comparison.
I find Storage in settings takes 2 or 3 attempts before timing out to show anything but i think it did that before.
Heroic Explorer
Just updated my original Quest and it now has the extra virtual environments, like my Quest 2 has.  But, now it's showing two Oculus Dome environments, with no difference between them that I can tell.  I tried rebooting the Quest but it's still there, so maybe it's a bug.

But I will say my biggest complaint about the Quest 2 is that it uses an LCD instead of OLED for true blacks.  Yes it has better resolution than the Quest 1 but the Quest 2 sucks for applications with darker scenes.  So it's a good thing I kept my original Quest.  I really hoping the Quest 3 brings back the OLED displays with a sliding IPD.  I would think that the cost of the technology will have gone down by then so they can keep their $299 price point.
Not applicable
I got the new menu UI on my Quest, but the Home app won't load - it's constantly failing and reporting the error "Home has stopped responding". Tried a restart, but really don't want to factory reset
Expert Protege

Plumes said:

Update 23 . Oculus wrote: we increased the amount of pixels for the first generation oculus, which improved the resolution of the image. Well, I don't see anything that's changed in the Home's resolution. If the resolution is increased I would like to know by how much.  I've already used Questasm software. And the I saw the result very improved The definition of the home was very clear. I doubled to 2048X2048 . It was great. Even increasing only half c was better. If anyone has seen a remarkable difference I would like to know. And I repeat myself I would like to know what resolution it increased

 I can't see/tell any difference as well, if it has improved, must be very slightly, because Quest 1 home resolution is still very low...
Expert Protege
well in fact there is something that I might have noticed: in my opinion now the sweet spot of my Quest 1 is slightly smaller (but may be only an impression) it possible that the resolution of the centre of the screen has been increased at the cost of more blurryness on the edges of the display?
what you experience here is FFR (Fixed Foveated Rendering).
the problem is, that there is no documentation at what level this is set by default.
My best practice was and is to use Sidequest where you can set the internal properties of the Quest.
So you can set FFR to default, off and several flavours of strength.
And - most important - you can set "Texture Resolution" from default (whatever that may be) up to 3072.
On my Quest-1 I use FFR off and Texture 2560.

The effect is clearly visible in Home-Screen and everything you play on the Quest.
It does not work its magic when using link though because then the settings of the PC-software take over.