1) Is it necessary to import Oculus Native Spatializer for Unity in order to use First Party Audio Spatialization? Are these in fact 2 different solutions? When I import ONSP and attach an ONSP audio Source component to my Audio source, Spatialization works fine. However, if I simply set SpatializationPlugin to OculusSpatializer in the AudioManager, which according to the Oculus documentation enables Unity's "First party Audio spatialization", my sounds are not spatialized. I am using unity 2017.2.1
2) If a spatialized audiosource is placed in the middle of a mesh, will the mesh itself interfere with the audiosource in any way?
3) Is it possible to use Spatialization without HRTF?
4)I would like to try a very simple method of spatialization, which involves simply creating 2 audio listeners - one for the left ear, one for the right and sending data to the corresponding headphone. Unity does not support multiple audio Listeners but i'm interested in trying an equivalent approach. The head would not block sounds, but one ear would still hear the sound louder than the other ear depending on which ear is closer to the audiosource. I want to try the simplest implementation then work my way up form there. BTW, I am totally new to Audio spatialization. this is my 2nd day of research and development with Audio spatialization so I might be totally confused.
1) Unity's built in Oculus spatializer (first party spatializer) can be used without installing ONSP. To get spatialization as well as attenuation for sounds without installing ONSP, follow these steps as they worked for me. 1) in Unity Audio manager, set the "Spatializer plugin" field to Oculus Spatializer. 2) Set the AudioSource's "Spatial Blend" property to 1. 3) Set the Doppler level to 0. 4) Select "custom roll-off" 5) Select the "spatialize" check box (it is under the spatial blend graph). 6) on your AudioClip, select the "Force to Mono" check box. 7) Uncheck the "Normalize" check box 😎 Select "Decompress on Load" on "Load Type" field
2) No, Spatialized sounds do not interact at all with level geometry when using only Unity's built in Oculus Spatializer. Reflections are only supported if the OSNP is independently installed.
3) Without HRTF, there will be no interaural amplitude difference, so the player will not be able to spatialize the sound source. While it is possible to simulate Interaural Time Diffrence without HRTF, without the Interaural amplitude difference that HRTF provides, the results will not be as convincing.
4) Given that I have not seen any noticeable drop in performance when using Unity's built in Oculus spatializer at the aforementioned settings, it does not make any sense to develop an even more bare bones approach to audio specialization. The built in Unity Oculus spatializer is adequate for my game and I need to save CPU usage as much as possible. I plan to do a performance comparison between ONSP and Unity built in Oculus spatializer. For now, I am satisfied with the fact that I have Spatialization and attenuation without any noticeable drop in performance, even with 20+ spatialized audio sources on screen at one time, in audible range.