Audio SDK Development
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Forum Posts

Audio SDK 1.0.4 out now is a patch release, with the following bug fixes:Fixed bug in which audio sources were silent when attenuation mode was unset.Oculus Spatializer for Wwise PluginFixed cr...

Audio SDK - VST Plugin in Cubase 7.5

Hi there, I downloaded the Audio SDK plugins for my DAW's (Reaper and Cubase 7.5) but it won't load in Cubase. For Reaper it works just perfect, but in Cubase, nowhere to be seen. Changed VST folders several times. Changed file name, asked Cubase to ...

ThSampaio by Honored Guest
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Procedurally generated FMOD sound

I've read this documentation on how to integrate the Oculus Audio SDK with FMOD events. However I'm working on a project which uses procedurally generated sounds that need to be positioned in space. Is there any documentation or any way to use Oculus...

Please read if you use Wwise 2016.1

The current Audio SDK (1.0.3) contains a Wwise 2016 plugin, but it was built against the 2016.1 beta, which is not compatible with the full release, so it will cause the Wwise tool to crash if you include it in your project. We are currently finalizi...

ONSP cuts off beginning of sound in Unity (5.4.0b18)

Using the Oculus Native Spatializer in Unity (tested in 5.4.0b18), when playing a sound via AudioSource.Play(), the very beginning of the sound is skipped. Calling SetParameters() before or after Play() doesn't make a difference to this. Changing the...

Resolved! wwise or fmod?

Hey guys, a newbie audio developer here. I mostly produce music and sounds in Logic, but since my family's getting a Rift over the summer, I thought it would be cool to make some demos for them for parties. Which of these middlewares have worked best...

OVRA FMOD: Error initializing Oculus VR audio

I'm attempting to get the FMOD OSP Unity plugin working with the Legacy Oculus Spatializer. I'm using the latest Oculus Plugins with FMOD 1.07.03 (also tried with 1.07.05) and an empty Unity 5.3.4p1 project. I'm following the steps for legacy integra...

Unity Issue on Startup 5.3.2p4

Hello,I've noticed that if I build a non-release build, the audio is super crackly when loading my Unity VR game. It's immediately noticeable on the title screen which has only ambient music playing (not spatialized). I looked at the log and found th...

Unity's Doppler effect not working with ONSP plugin

With "Doppler Level" set to any value above zero on an AudioSource, there is no Doppler effect while the object is moving if an ONSPAudioSource script is also enabled on the GameObject. If you un-check "Enable Spatialization", the Doppler effect then...

VST Wont Open

Hello,Having some trouble opening the VST of the Oculus Spatializer plug in. Most applications (Peak Pro, Adobe Audition, etc.) don't even recognize the plug in. When I try to open it with Max/MSP I get the following errors:Max 5 Error Message:vst~: ...

Could VR sound positioning be any easier (or accurate)?

Using the mouse to place sounds on top of the image of a 360º video...Hi everyone,For those working with VR Audio, I've just created a new tutorial regarding the use of Sound Particles to positioning sounds in 360º VR video files.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Change Master SpatializerMixer at Runtime

I'm working with a large level in which the player moves from small spaces to large spaces and then back to small spaces (hallways to large rooms and back to hallways). I think I understand the idea of the "shoebox" room attached to the players head,...

wadamw by Explorer
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Note to UE4 developers using Wwise audio

If you're using WWise, a patch is required to the UE4 source to to pause playback when losing VR focus, and redirect audio to the Rift instead of the Windows default audio device.Please follow this link for more details:

Can I start developing with DK2 bought on Amazon?

Hi guys,This is not strictly an audio question, but that is the field we will be working in. My company wants to begin research on the Rift and I'd like to get a working DK2 as soon as possible - but as you know, they have sold out on the Oculus site...

Oculus C++ SDK Mac

I've tested linking the library with success on my windows machine but not on my Mac.Can you please give me guidance or is there something wrong with the MacUB build?My setup is:MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), El Capitan 10.11.3, Xcode 7.2....

Shobux by Honored Guest
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Sound problem

I am having a issue where sometimes 5 minutes or so into my game the sound will start slowing down / stuttering. The FPS stays at 60 for a time, but then the sound stuttering continues and then eventually the game performance drops to being unplayabl...

AAX Plug In: feature requests

Hi,I've been using the oculus AAX plugin a bit the last months and have created a small 'feature request' list.If anyone has more points to add, please do so.1. Add Ctrl+Click to set parameter to default position (0): much easier than typing.2. Shift...

klfnk by Honored Guest
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Would a sound card truly help?

So here is a question I got asked the other day and even after a few hours of research, I cannot find a definitive answer. Thus, I am coming here since developers would be able to at least point me in the right direction. This is a multipart question...

Enable / Disable Audio Sources During Runtime

Hi All,In our largest scene we have approx. 50 ambient audio sources (enemies walking around, music, etc.) in addition to many audio sources for NPCs talking (that only play while interacting with them). Currently we are enabling/disabling ambient au...

Gear VR Audio Implementation

I'm trying to understand the Gear VR audio so that I can create audio for my 360 films. I can see in the folders for the other experiences (strangers, introduction etc...) there are 8 audio files:0L, 0R, 90L, 90R, 180L, 180R, 270L, 270RSo, I have cre...

xfghsfgh by Honored Guest
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Head tracking headphones

Hi there,I was looking for headphones designed for VR and I saw these head-tracking headphones : seems like they launched recently and it looks promising !I also came across this kickst...

Bryan_L by Honored Guest
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