However, in my application, the appearance of the avatar doesn't match the customized one. I use the ovr_GetLoggedInUserID() function to get my user id, so I think it should be correct.
I've also tried the Mirror demo in the Avatar SDK samples, but I've the same problem.
Yes, I followed the documentation. Also I tried with the Mirror demo in the samples folder, that should work correctly.
This is the appearance of my Avatar in the Oculus App:
Instead, this is its appearance in the Mirror demo (and in my application too):
If I use the user ID of a friend (I get it using the Platform SDK), its appearance seems to be correct, so I think there's some issue only with some users.
I have noticed also some avatar display errors in the Oculus App too, that could be related to this issue. E.g. I have accepted the invitation of a friend and I have gone in his VR home. I saw his avatar completely white, without hairs, but my friend saw his avatar correctly int the mirror.