As I am new to the forums here, I am sorry if this was supposed to be posted with a different category, in a different location or as a "Question" instead.
I am using the OVRLipSync integration for Unity, and currently experiencing a 1-2 second "delay" to the mouth morph animations after speaking into the microphone input. When the problem starts occur can be different for every session, but after running the Unity scene for example 30 minutes, the delay is 99% of the times there and having the character's mouth move with a 1-2 second delay after you can hear the microphone inputs when doing a recording does not feel very appropriate. There is of course no problem right after running the Unity scene, at that point the mouth reacts and moves in a very appropriate way regarding to the microphone speech inputs.
For the actual project I am using the previous version of the SDK, but I have also tested it out in a new project, using the newest version of the SDK (1.28.0) as well, and the results are the same.
I am currently using Unity version 2017.3.1f1 Personal, but have tried it out in 2018.2.1f1 previously as well, giving the same results.
The steps I'm taking is creating a new Unity project -> add the OVRLipSync SDK -> Add my model to the project -> Add the LipSyncInterface prefab to the project -> Add the three necessary OVR scripts to my model gameobject -> Run the scene for X minutes and the delay starts occur.
I have noticed that while the scene is running, by selecting a different gameobject in the Hierarchy view in Unity and then selecting my character gameobject again, the delay problem "resets/disappears" and it works like when the scene was executed again, but the problem then again starts after another X minutes.
I have also tried out automatically disabling the three OVR scripts every X minute through script and instantly reactivating them again, which also seems to "reset" the problem.
So for the moment I do have temporary countermeasures for the problem, but I want to know the reason behind it and if possible, a solution that prevents the problem to ever occur no matter how long the Unity play session is.
I have added a copy of a Unity project were I am using the latest SDK and the lip prefab provided with the SDK.
I hope there is an explanation and solution to this problem and looking forward to your answers!
Sorry for the very delayed response, but we found out that by using a microphone that is connected through an audio mixer through USB to the PC, the delay bug occurs. However, by using a microphone(headset) that is connected to the PC through the microphone input (pink) instead, no delay occurs at all.
As we are now aware of the reason and still testing stuff out (and also gout countermeasures that we can apply as needed to get our wanted results for our recordings), you can leave this case closed for the time being.
Thank you for showing interest in helping out and hopefully it was useful information for bug testing the OVR lipsync in the future.