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How to change the Control-Display ratio between the touch controller and Avatar VR hand ?

Honored Guest
If I move the controller one unit the Avatar hand should move 2 units.
This was mentioned in the document
"Maintain a 1:1 ratio between the movement of the user’s controller in the real world and the movement of the virtual representation. This can be rotational or translational movement in space. If you choose to exaggerate the user’s movement in VR, make it so exaggerated (e.g. 4x) that it is readily obvious that it is not a natural sensory experience."
How to make it 4x exaggeration in unity3d?

Retired Support
@dora Thanks for posting. I've reached out to the avatars team for a solution. I'll update you here once I get a response.
If you need immediate help or want additional support/context on an issue you are having with our platform or integrations:

1. Gather any and all logs, screenshots, and version numbers of relevant software (Oculus SDK, engine, etc.)
2. Please submit a ticket here through the "Contact Us" link (include what you've gathered in step 1).
3. Tag me @mouse_bear once you have done so!

Honored Guest
  @NinjaGaijin,  Thanks, Look forward to hearing the solution.

Honored Guest

@dora Thanks for posting. I've reached out to the avatars team for a solution. I'll update you here once I get a response.

Honored Guest
Hi  @NinjaGaijin Did you happen to reach out to the avatar team for a solution. Thanks