I'm trying to get the Avatar SocialStarter unity example to work. I have two rift devices on two machines. I have set up a test user on one machine and am using my regular oculus account on the other machine.
I can start a party between the two users and can hear voice chat. I cannot get the one user to join another users room. When i run the build of the SocialStarter example, both create their own room (the sphere turns white to indicate the room is created and waiting for users), but the users are not co-located in the same room, i have tried inviting from within the app, but this does not change to the users room.
What am i missing? i thought that if both users were in a party, and one user ran the Social Starter app the floor would turn green. If this isnt the case, how do i join my test users room in this example? The documentation says this example 'depicts a virtual room into which you can invite your friends who are also running the scene. As your friends join your room, the scene sets up a VoIP connection to transmit voice packets and a peer-to-peer connection to transmit avatar packets.'
I'm still facing this issue on Quest. If anyone wants to chime in that would be great. Both apps have blue floor, cyan sphere, but can't see or hear each other. More details upon specific request.