04-04-2019 06:27 AM
09-05-2019 12:09 AM
They will have to update OvrAvatar.cpp with a bit of code. They need to find the PoseableMeshComponent with “hand_left” and “hand_right” in the their names (substring).
These are in the structure, which is currently private.
TMap<ovrAvatarAssetID, TWeakObjectPtr<UPoseableMeshComponent>> MeshComponents;
Once they have the PoseableMeshComponent for the hand, it has an interface :
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Components|PoseableMesh")
FTransform GetBoneTransformByName(FName BoneName, EBoneSpaces::Type BoneSpace);
They should be able to use the same bone names from the Unity sample to find the bones they want.
I think that achieves what they are looking for, they just need to write an accessor to find the hand meshs.
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