Uses Single/Multiplayer Avatars, Oculus SDK 1.32 & Avatars 1.31 (works also with in-house Avatar)
Works Go/Rift/Quest
Use latest Oculus implementations (splash screens, guardian limits, camera fade, etc).
Compatible Unreal 4.20 & 4.21
Minimum use of C++
Most important, yes @NinjaGaijin I'm pointing at you! And everyone interested in Oculus Avatars!
We are commited to MAKE AVATARS WORK IN UNREAL ONCE AND FOR ALL! so, I call Oculus guys and Unreal/Oculus community, let's fix the last problems remaining:
1) Rift: No voice visualization with Avatars 2) Rift/Go/Quest: Stereo Layers cannot be destroyed 3) Go/Quest: Occlusion culling doesn't work 4) Go: Inputs no registered 5) Go: Only blank (default) Avatar is loaded
Let's hope we'll fix these problems within rapidly, we'll keep you posted on our side on possible fixes. If you find any fixes on your side, share them here or on the Unreal forum!