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Recruiting Capable Members

Honored Guest
We are looking for capable members to join our development team. We are very serious about our work and are dedicated. We have alot of projects planned that will introduce new standards in game developing but we lack the man power.

If you're intrested please contact me Via email.
My email:

Current Project:
Game: The Commander
Genre: Action/ RTS/ RPG/
Players: Singleplayer, Co-op, Multiplayer Online

The Commander will be based around 250 B.C. as a 3rd person strategy game with huge scaled battles. Players will have to choose a country to be a commander of and recruit powerful soldiers and take on their enemies. In these ages, no one is trust worthy, the very emperor they fight to protect could place a bounty on their head at anytime. Soldiers respect their generals more than their kings. Players must secure a place in history, roam the cities to find love and have a family, and train their son's to carry on their legacy when they fall. Players will feel what it's like to stand shoulder to shoulder with 2000 men in their army, ordering them to follow a strategy, and follow them in to battle, to overcome huge battles of 2000 soldiers in each army.

Recruiting: (Roles in Bold are most needed)

Programer: Almost Full
Writer: Filled
Sound Artist: Recruiting
3D Animator: Recruiting
- Must be able to produce basic and advanced animations such as (Using shield to throw enemies over their heads in a crouched postion).
Texture Artist: Recruiting
3D Artist: Recruiting
- Must understand different ways of making high & low quality of models. (As we will be placing over 2000 on one level)
- Must be able to create low poly Human like Models (to look like soldiers)
- Low poly Realistic buildings from the roman era (as realistic as possible for low poly)
- and create low poly animals.

Concept Artist : Recruiting

Work Hours:

You are free to choose the hours you work. But we do only want to work with serious and dedicated people. So we do encourage minimum 4h daily.


we can not pay wages even though we would love to. But to ensure all members of our team, we have a contract stating that we will give all members an equal % of the profit the game makes once it has sold. This is to gain trust with our team and ensure them that we are serious. (You're not secretly signing your soul to the devil haha).

Starting Date:
If your intrested please contact me as soon as possible. Our project has started and we are excited to progress at a decent rythem, but are now limited due to lack of members listed above in the recruiting section. Thanks you, we can't wait to work with you!


Honored Guest
It would be nice to know some more details such as what kind of aspirations your team has, i.e. what you want to achieve in terms of gameplay, and perhaps other technical aspects such as the engine you want to use, etc. I ask you because working 4 hours a day minimum without compensation is not an easy decision to make.


Honored Guest

Thanks for getting in touch. I would be happy to give you more info. Our aspiration is to create games that don't leave people thinking: "This games awsome but why didn't the devs do this...". We would like to eventually compete with AAA titles (Obviously our 1st titles aren't going to be AAA). In terms of gameplay, we want to transmit the feeling of danger that exsisted around 150B.C and make the player feel what it would be like to be just 1 more soldier in his army. We want to do this by having huge scaled battles with 2000 men in each army, as this is a 3rd person game, the player will play as his character, and command his army all while in 3rd person. There will be free roaming included too, wich is essential for recruiting soldiers, finding love and having a family ect. The engine we are working with is Unity 3D. I hope i could asnwer all you questions.

What role would you be applying for?

Kind Regards,

Honored Guest
Just wondering where are you guys based out of, or are you just doing everything online at this point?

Honored Guest
We are doing everything online. Feel free to contact me again if needed.

Kind Regards,