Hello Developers! I am currently working towards a university grant to do research into the correlation between Virtual Reality, video gaming and dreams. I am working with a reputable doctor of dream research at my university and we need participants who are interested in participating in this exciting research.
Throughout these studies we generally defined the hard core gamer as someone who: 1. Plays video games on average several times a week, 2. Typical playing session more than 2 hours 3. Played 50 or more video games over their lifetime, and 4. Been playing video games since grade three or earlier.
These games are required to be played on the Rift to establish consensus. My professor just bought a DK2 kit but we would like to start to get information on interested participants who could work with us from around the world.
You will also be required to keep a dream log for a period of time. Not very time consuming, and you get to be more engaged in your video gaming!
If this fits your description and are interested or know anyone who is interested please pm me! ^.^
Hello Developers!
Looking for research participants for an online survey on video gaming and dreams!
Check it out! http://bit.ly/1q0fnIA
Thanks! ^.^