It’s time to give SAO the ultimate respect it deserves. A beautiful masterpiece of its own design. An immersive VR game full of blade on blade parry and strike fighting, creative weapons, an apparel range that will make Michael Jackson proud, original creatures whether cute and friendly or monstrous and bloodthirsty, slow to progress end floor dungeons leading to another brilliantly diverse floor, optional player vs player duals, potions, various skills, a befriending and squad making system, and teleport/condition crystals, and an elaborate exp system utilizing the time in combat, health taken, and damage dealt. I don’t have any money, but I know for a fact that this game will be a must-have for years to come. I would love to direct and help develop it. It’s time to give the world what it desperately needs and wants.
My gmail is
I can not guarantee that I will be able to pay you, and I probably won't until we find a way to profit from the game.
Please contact me so I can estimate how many people want to make this game. Don't forget to leave your contact info, preferably email, and what role do you want to play in making this game.
We will probably be using Unreal Engine 4 for development and will be targeting oculus rift. After we make a stable game there we could expand to psvr and quest 2.
since we have absolutely no money or a way to get money, please do your best to self advertise and donate towards the making of the game [all donations are strictly for the games purposes, not to be given to any person whatsoever, and will be used to buy; servers, development tools(only if needed or exponentially helpful), advertisements(not extensively), etc.]
Please wait until after new year's to expect any, initiative but don't hesitate to contact me about anything.