I was able to run one of the samples on my phone without using the GearVR(as in developer debugging). Now I want to create a new project with my own code so I used the python script in VrTemplate to create one. However, trying to build this newly created project has plenty of errors all over the place. First. the MainActivity seems to be unable to import vrappframework. Also, I get this bogus compilation error:
Error:A problem was found with the configuration of task ':VrSamples:Native:DemoVR2:Projects:Android:prepareDemoVR2VrAppSupportVrGUIProjectsAndroidPrebuiltUnspecifiedLibrary'.
> File '/Users/macbak/Downloads/ovr_sdk_mobile_1/VrAppSupport/VrGUI/Libs/Android/VrGUI.aar' specified for property 'bundle' does not exist.
Also, at first it says it use an older version of griddle and ask me to update it to 2.1.2, but Android Studio is unable to update it for some kind of a reason.