Oculus touch
Any news on release date? Come on Oculus your development pace is so slow...... Let me have it already!!I will bitch slap Gabe newell's minions with my oculus touch!Jk.... I just want the damn controller so bad....
Any news on release date? Come on Oculus your development pace is so slow...... Let me have it already!!I will bitch slap Gabe newell's minions with my oculus touch!Jk.... I just want the damn controller so bad....
Why not have the touch presentation film (and others) detect the CV1 and play as 360 ?
Maybe there are other developers that have encountered the same problem. We have sent several email to Gear and waiting for there reply. However we haven't received reply more than one month later...OTL...Is there any other ways to reach the publishi...
Hi team,Maybe a very technical question! We know gear VR works with Bluetooth 3 class 2 devices, also know that new Android phones support Bluetooth 4.0But GearVR using BT4 devices??We're building a custom controller for an application and it's much ...
At E3 Bethesda has promised to release a fully realized VR adaptation of Fallout 4...Obviously content and experiences built from the ground up specifically for VR will be more ideal gameplay wise, but if they follow through with their promise perhap...
The message is annoying and simply determining speed by process/GFX ID name is not the way to go.I have an intel i7-3930k overclocked to 4.2GHz and a GeForce 1080 and Oculus keeps stating PC does not meet specifications.Meanwhile, using the SteamVR b...
hi got my cv1 today in the uk.i seem to have a crap build one, theres patches on the lenses abit like misty look, its defo on the lenses but on the inside by looks of it.i will post a picture as i having issues with a cloudy effect playing games.i ha...
i ordered it as a guest but somehow i lost the email with the order code. So i cant look it up.
what they done with these lenses i was fine with the old now its just issues.if the dk2 had bit better res that would have been great and was fine but these lenses have got to be worse in performance.this is a consumer release and far too many issues...
Interested in learning which apps seems to induce the most motion sickness (also called simulator sickness or cybersickness). Also interested to know on what device you are using the application.
I have a zero gravity setup in my office which allows me to use my computer while in a reclined and very comfortable position. However, when I use the Rift in this position, it does not adjust to my position. I have to lift my head up and strain to l...
Is there a game out there that I can purchase that is not baskethead? I'm trying to find the VR Sports Challenge basketball game.Thanks.
I have a galaxy s6 and I am trying to log in on my phone to the Oculus but it says I dont have a network connection. I have wifi and full bars on my phone yet I cant log in on my phone...
Sony are getting their Playstation VR launch right (take note HTC and Oculus) when it comes to games and upcoming post launch releases. Lots of big players and frankly, I am way more interested in these games than anything I've seen from Oculus and V...
http://uploadvr.com/serious-sam-oculus-offered-shitton-money-rift-exclusivity/We as gamers need to take a stand against the kind of underhanded crap Oculus/FB is pulling. Please consider who your hard earned money is going to. Oculus is NOT the same ...
If I watch on Crytek website, I did not find Oculus as a partner.The Rift is a super VR-Headset, but every cool VR-Game is coming for Playstation or HTC.What are the next steps for Oculus????
If I watch on Crytek website, I did not find Oculus as a partner.The Rift is a super VR-Headset, but every cool VR-Game is coming for Playstation or HTC.What are the next steps for Oculus????
I hooked my Rift up for the first time on Wednesday and used it for 2 hours late at night. No problems. On Thursday evening I also played for about 2 hours. No problems. On Friday I was too busy to use it. Saturday comes around and I feel very lethar...
Loved this on the DK2, wasted hours on it. Anyone heard anything on a CV1 release?
Hi all,Does anyone know how to replay the experiences screen you get at the start with the dinosaur, aliens etc?Thanks!
ok I can just about handle exclusives which are 1st party... I hate them but i get it, (I still hope the oculus stuff makes it to vive and vice versa once touch is out mind you)And if Sony studious want to make their own VR game for SonyVR again, i a...
I'm sure the next generation of the rift is in the works. Has anyone heard anything in terms of what improvements they are working on and what we might hope to expect in terms of FOV and resolution?Any other improvements?
i downloaded v.r games on playstore but can not play them overtime i pit my hone in my headset it goes on oculus am i only aloud to use games on this app
HelloMy name is Ricardo and I'm new here. I made some search for this subject but I didn't found it. Please let me know the way if there is already some related topic.I'm looking for a way to convert from Navisworks to a extension that I can use with...
hi ive bought the oculus and had it working for a little while and now sometimes it dont pick up in the usb the pc says everything is fine but the oculus store says it dont recognise the headset any advise would be great
In AndroidManifest.xml, set targetSdkVersion="23", but it stuck at black screen when I launch the app, and when I take off the phone its pop up the normal run time permission dialog.I think probably there is some issue with Android 6.0 (https://devel...
I am currently using 5.3.4.f1, but when I update to 5.3.5.f1, my app suddenly not working, any advices of choosing Unity version?
Hello everyone,Since a lot of games has been showed in E3 as VR compatible, i'm wondering if thoses games playable on Oculus will be also avaible on the DK2 and not only for the last one.Thank you
My rift arrived safely and was up and running in a few minutes. Before I even got out of the menu screen all the family tried it and loved the intro to VR. My first major WOW moment was when I started up Adr1ft and the feeling of presence was a game ...
I Ordered a Oculus Rift early this mouth, then my order was moved for no reason...then a ordered a Rift in June the 9th, the my order has been moved AGAIN! for no reason and no explaining!Anybody tell me why? thanks
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