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Channel users not getting invitations, unable to test app

We have an unpublished Quest (App Lab) app which we're trying to share with some testers. We added their emails to the RC channel, but they never received an email invite. Any email I add immediately goes to Subscribed Users instead of Pending, but they are unable to find the app in the store. 


We actually tried this with 2 different apps and had the same result. 

The only users who this does work for are those that are members of our org on the dashboard (the developers). They don't receive the email, but are able to see the app in their library. 


Am I doing something wrong, or are invites broken? 


Honored Guest

Yes, we are having the same issue with our AppLap app. The workaround for this is that we adding a user as a developer. once they have the entitlement to the app we remove them from developers. Not a good solution but apparently invites are broken for months.

Thank you for confirming it's not just me!



Honored Guest

Are invites still broken? It worked with my own email but does not seem to be working with other emails...


Does anyone from Meta ever respond here? This is a major issue to not be able to invite test users, and there have been no responses for a year?

Honored Guest

its 19 June 2023, still have the same issue, testers cant receive no invitations, this is so annoying.

Honored Guest

Same problem here. Can we get an answer from the Meta team?