06-29-2024 12:55 AM
I figured it out. For me I'm using new controllers and when I factory reset the controllers were connected to a different headset. Essentially uninstalled everything from PC and Mobile. Factory reset headset. Once in factory reset you get the menu saying pull the tabs. Obviously controllers won't connect. You can't even connect to the app right? Well I had to go on PC and download Meta Quest Developer Hub. Once there you still can't connect but your device will be detected. Through the link wire. At that point you're going to now have both the developer and you need the quest app on your phone. Once it's visible on the app saying nearby and connecting or nothing at all. As long as you see the device it's good. Back to the controllers. Individually on each controller hold oculus button + B on the right controller and hold 3 dash button + Y. You will then feel a vibration in both controllers. After that vibration put them down, they are syncing. Go back to the app on your phone. Go to headset settings and turn on developer mode then move over to the headset again and it will prompt you saying are you sure you want to turn on the mode or something and you'll hit plus on the headsets audio. That means yes. After that your controllers should start updating and syncing again to the headset after that you're pretty much good. Hope this helps and I hope others find this reply.