12-19-2022 10:27 AM
I am unable to submit my application for review.
I have completed all the required fields, but the Specs section is not going green.
I have created a ticket on Oculus Support and they redirected me here.
As far as I can tell, I have completed all the required fields.
12-20-2022 08:56 AM
The same problem here
12-20-2022 09:10 AM
I just tried again, and the Spec section went green automatically when I opened it.
12-20-2022 09:23 AM
Really?! No change for me yet.
12-20-2022 09:49 AM
No luck for me, can you please share your Spec? Have you Applied for Adds?
12-20-2022 10:18 AM
Here's my Specs section.
I still don't have the Legacy fields, unless they did something in the background.
Latest feedback from Oculus suggests that they're handling bugs via the forum here.
I'm guessing someone is changing things manually in the background per case.
Maybe create your own thread on the forum and see if they fix your issue for you as well?
All bug issues are currently being triaged to the VR Developer Forums. Someone should assist you shortly.
Thank you,