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How to reset your leaderboards before launch.

Not applicable
It's fairly common to have a bunch of test data that you want to remove from your leaderboards prior to launch.  We have WebAPIs that allow you to clean those up.  The full documentation will be in the SDK going out early next week but here's a head start:



1. Create or modify a leaderboard


   $ curl -d
"access_token=$APP_ACCESSTOKEN" -d "api_name=MY_NEW_LEADERBOARD"

"sort_order=HIGHER_IS_BETTER" -d




api_name: The name used to refer to the leaderboard in
this API and in the client SDK.

sort_order: Determines the order of entries in the
leaderboard. Allowed Values "HIGHER_IS_BETTER" – Descending order.
The entry with the highest score is rank 1.

"LOWER_IS_BETTER" – Ascending order. The entry
with the lowest score is rank 1.

entry_write_policy: Determines who is allowed to write
leaderboard entries "CLIENT_AUTHORITATIVE" - (default) Users can
write to the leaderboard with the client SDK directly. Entries can still be
modified with App Access Tokens.

"SERVER_AUTHORITATIVE" - Entries can only be
written with App Access Tokens. This is useful in cases where trusted servers
are running the game simulation. In those cases, using this option can
significantly reduce cheating because only trusted entities can write entries.
The leaderboard can still be queries with the client SDK.

2. Query the metadata for a leaderboard


   $ curl -G -d

     -d 'fields'
=> 'sort_order,entry_write_policy,entry_count'$APPID/leaderboards


See the create API for the definition of the fields. The
additional field "entry_count" provides the total count of entries on
the leaderboard.


3. Delete a leaderboard. 
Note that the id parameter in the URL is the ID returned from the
"create" or metadata query APIs above.


   $ curl -X DELETE
-d "access_token=$APP_ACCESSTOKEN"


4. Remove all entries from a leaderboard (Scheduled to
ship in the weekly push on 3/1/16)


   $ curl -d "access_token=$APP_ACCESSTOKEN"
-d "api_name=MY_NEW_LEADERBOARD"


5. Query a leaderboard


   $ curl -G -d

"filter=NONE" -d "start_at=OFFSET" -d "offset=10"
-d "summary=true" -d "limit=2"







api_name: Name of the leaderboard to query

filter: (optional, default: "NONE")

"NONE": Show all entries

"FRIENDS": Show only entries from my friends.
Note this option can only be used with User Access Tokens.

start_at: (optional, default: "TOP")

"TOP": Start at the first entry. This is the
same as "OFFSET" with an "offset" of 0.

"OFFSET": Starts at a particular entry. Use the
"offset" parameter to specify which entry to start at.

"CENTERED_ON_VIEWER": The first page will have
the current user's entry in the center of the results. Only works with User
Access Tokens. Will return an error if the current user has not posted on the

offset: (optional) Specify when
"start_at=OFFSET" to specify where to start. This is zero-based and
the valid range is 0 to total_count -1. For example, if this is used with the
friends filter, you might have 4 results with ranks of 75, 100, 125, and 150.
In this example, "offset=2" would get the entries with rank 125 and

summary: (optional, default: false) Includes the summary
node in the results, which gives you access to the total entries available for
the current filter.

limit: (optional, default: 100) Specifies the maximum
number of entries to return. The max allowed value is 100.



"data" contains at most "limit"
entries. Available fields:


user{id,alias,profile_url} – Gets the id, profile name,
and url to the profile picture of the user who posted the entry.

rank - The entry's rank relative to the current filter.
The top entry on the leaderboard has rank 1.

score - The entry's score.

timestamp - Unix time for when the entry was posted

extra_data_base64 - The entry's app-supplied metadata
base64 encoded If there are more entries available, the "paging" node
in the output will contain a "next" field. That field is a URL that
can be used to get the next page of entries. If you are not on the first page,
there will also to be "previous" URL that can be used to page back.


In the "summary" node, "total_count"
represents the total number of entries available for the current filter.


6. Submit a leaderboard entry


   $ curl -d

"score=12345" -d "extra_data_base64=T2N1bHVz" -d
"force_update=true" -d "user_id=865302060207175"

{"success":true, "did_update":true}



api_name: Name of the leaderboard to post to

score: The score being submitted

extra_data_base64: (optional) Extra metadata to store on
the row. This can be used to specify information about the score. For instance,
in a driving game this might be what car was used. Decoded length can be at
most 2048 bytes.

force_update: (optional, default: false) By default, if
you already have an entry on the leaderboard and post with a worse score than
the existing entry, the existing entry will not be updated. You can use
"force_update=true" to force the new entry even if it's worse than
the old one.

"user_id": When using an App Access Token this
must be set to indicate which user you are posting on behalf of. That user must
have an entitlement to your app. When using a User Access Token, this field
must not be set.



did_update indicates whether the entry was recorded or
not. Entries will not be recorded if the user already has an entry on the
leaderboard, the new score is worse than the old one, and force_update is


7. Delete a leaderboard entry. Note that the id parameter
in the URL is the ID returned from the query leaderboard entries API above.


   $ curl -X DELETE
-d "access_token=$APP_ACCESSTOKEN"





It seems like there is a error in the documentation above (as well as in the document provided with Platform SDK 1.0). I did not test it yet, but the provided url for point 5) Query a leaderboard looks like not the correct one:

Could you confirm if this is a mistake and what would it be the correct url if that is the case?



It seems like there is a error in the documentation above (as well as in the document provided with Platform SDK 1.0). I did not test it yet, but the provided url for point 5) Query a leaderboard looks like not the correct one:

Could you confirm if this is a mistake and what would it be the correct url if that is the case?



It seems like there is a error in the documentation above (as well as in the document provided with Platform SDK 1.0). I did not test it yet, but the provided url for point 5) Query a leaderboard looks like not the correct one:

Could you confirm if this is a mistake and what would it be the correct url if that is the case?


Honored Guest
Can someone address the questions above?  I have the same issue in that the documentation appears to be incorrect and so it is difficult to sort out how to query the metadata for a leaderboard.  Thanks!

Not applicable
My apologies. Number 5 should be:
