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Bringing a TextEditor to VR

Honored Guest
Dear all,

I'm wondering... what would be the best way to bring a TextEditor to VR?
What I need to do is to display a file line by line and edit this file and do syntax highlighting.

Just use GUI.TextField and implement? Or is there some prefab, etc. for this task?

Best wishes,

I find it best to bring up Oculus Desktop in Core 2 home, move and resize it if necessary with your touch controllers, then use my PC mouse to navigate.  I then use notepad++ (free editor, available at Microsoft Store) to edit files.  For editing you can use the Oculus Desktop keyboard but I often find it easier to just use my PC keyboard.

This works fine for small editing jobs but to be honest, if I have a lot of line editing to do I much rather just put my rift on standby and use my PC monitor.

Honored Guest
@TomCgcmfc thanks for your quick answer.

Do you have maybe some resources where I can learn how to program this or an example project?
I guess this here explains it:

I will probably have to give more information.
We have already build a room model of our laboratory. I'm not sure how easily one
could integrate the Oculus Desktop Addon to an existing Unity/Oculus project.

This seems like an easy to use Keyboard:
(I would also need syntax highlighting for my VR texteditor, so I guess I need to code one myself)

Thanks so much,

Grand Champion
Please check the developer forums. Switch sections on the drop-down menu on the right.

Honored Guest
@cybereality should this discussion be moved to the developers forum?

Thanks for moving this thread.

I'm still wondering if there is a VR texteditor already.