11-08-2023 11:17 PM
Anyone here has tried to develop for Quest 3 MR by any chance?
I am not a developer (yet... still learning Unity). I am just curious to what we can expect of future MR games and business applications. Currently most MR apps seem to focus on projecting complete objects instead of over leveraging on surroundings objects (beyond simple large surfaces like walls, tables, etc.), I am curious if it is possible to do more with complex objects IRL?
What I mean by complex IRL objects are say for example,
A real toy pot that has raw or cooked MR food objects put perfectly inside it and NO clipping, even if you move the pot around?
An 3D printed, completely white scale model city on an irl table but colourized with MR using Quest 3, complete with road traffic, weather etc. (kind of like projection mapping, but better, as you won't block anything and is 3D)?
Be able to have MR aircraft skimming just barely above, fly in-between, or even underneath, furnitures?
I just think that while showing virtual things out of thin air are fun, it will be more fun if we can make advanced use of irl objects around us.
11-10-2023 08:33 AM
You cannot acccess camera data but with a Quest 3 you can access a static 3D scan of your room taken on the headset. You’ll can also access depth data in realtime with an experimental api.
11-11-2023 03:41 AM
Which, to be honest, doesn't help you that much. It should be easy for Meta to give you access to the camera, especially because they use it for QR-Code Detection, Keyboardtracking and so on. It's just a chain at your leg to find a way around that fact, even though it would be easy for them to allow it. Every phone on the planet can use that information, why not the Quest?