The latest updates from the Oculus Software, Integrations, and Docs teams are now live. This month's major updates include the launch of Oculus Rift livestreaming, the introduction of a new Audio Propagation package to our Audio SDK, and more!
Hi. Wondering if it in future update would be possible to impliment accelleration for headmovement for x, y and z-axis. It sure is very stressfull in flightgames doing a dogfight fx. It is still a limitation by FOV 110 degrees, where the normal eye have like 180 degress in looking center. Therefor it could be a big help and releave on the neck to impliment accelration on x, y and z-axis fx. inside Oculus software, so it dont have to be implimented by gamedevelopers and only will come in some few games. Could be a help for older persons and handicap people also.... Regards here from Denmark....