02-07-2021 11:23 AM
Hi Everyone,
Now, we are starting to make our VR Health prototype ( we have a lot of work but we are very excited to do it !!)
Our VR Game will be for people with disabilities for health problems (for example Parkinson, Stroke, etc), for that reason, we need to build it according to this pattern:
About this topic, I found out that primarily need to control the camera offset based on movements from the controller.
Our goal is to build the same pattern amplifying the movements (up/down/ left/right) or bringing the place where the patient has to move through the controllers due to their poor mobility (for example, if the patient moves the VR controller 1 cm, the will move 10 cm in the game or bring the world towards him) to amplify the movements or move the around the Game Scene with that VR controllers without the patients has to move out of place.
We will do it for Oculus Quest, and we are thinking of making it by OVRCameraRig, for that reason, I would need if someone could help us with some example in Unity, to take it as a "reference" to make our Movement and Rotation for the patients.
Would it be possible?
Thanks for your time
Best Regards