Hi , after stuying the Kronos gltf format page and oculus dev support page i stilll can t figure how to implement LOD that i see working on official Oculus items . Any hint would be awesome . I m exporting tons of designs and that would make display lighter (and loading a bit heavier ^^)
Also i guess it s too soon to ask about physics , maybe interactive/handable objets will be editable and documented in a next update ? once items get synchronised between guests. As of interactive objets,I d sooo want to get a working 2D pen to draw on (some?) surfaces (and a 3d pen to draw in thin air too ) . maybe medium will be avaible in home someday ? thats something you have in mind?
anyway, I realy love where oculus home could go but I m still struggling to find infos . i opened a group on facebook if anyone want to come with questions or answers , simply search for "oculus home" . Also if anyone want to visit my place, i have same tag than here .
Hi . Sorry my post was going in too many directions . My main question was about Level Of Details in oculus home items, how to set them in the glb format, just like in your official items . I m planning to export lot of items so i d love to do it right from the start .
By the way i realised that your last update turned on animations in imported glb . yeah thx ! (only translate/rotation/scale, no skinning but that s already a nice surprise ) I also hope someday we ll have access to the physics option (gravity mainly ) but maybe you use another format we don t have access to yet. Let s wait and see .
Thank you for your reply , i m sure all answers will come soon ,i m just a bit impatient . And if any of you want to come visit my home, i ll be more than happy .
@Gregos - your post implies to me that you were successfully able to create objects in some editor (perhaps Blender or Medium) that exports objects in glb format including animations (translate/rotation/scaling) but discovered no support for skinning or gravity as of that time (approx. 1.5 years ago). Here are my questions:
1) Which object creation editor were you using at the time and are you still using the same one or a different one today (2021)?
2) Do you know if Medium by Adobe supports animation expression before exporting to Oculus home?
3) Was skinning or gravity ever implemented yet?
4) Does anyone from Oculus reply on these forums or is it strictly community only?
5) I’d like to visit your home. What is its public ‘address’?