06-13-2022 11:10 AM - edited 06-13-2022 11:11 AM
Two days ago, Link started to throw this weird error I've never seen before:
"Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings"
I have to press a button to make it disappear but it happens again and again.
Reading the logs, the error says:
[RCTVR_V8] [warn]: Animated: `useNativeDriver` was not specified. This is a required option and must be explicitly set to `true` or `false`
[RCTVR_V8] [error]: Error: Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.
Location: {"pathname":"/","search":"","hash":"","action":"POP","key":null,"query":{}}
Location: {"pathname":"/dash/landing/default","search":"","hash":"","action":"POP","key":"678u4i","query":{}}
Can't find anything related to this error around here. What is this error all about?
06-15-2022 11:41 AM
So, as no one seems to answer me 🤔, here goes my two cents about the problem:
- When the controllers almost ran out of battery, Oculus sends you a warning notice on screen. If you are in SteamVR, that notice breaks something in Oculus client and then it crashes itself again and again.
As soon as I replaced the batteries, the Oculus error disappeared so it seems to be very related to this.
Hope this helps someone else.
Virtual regards.
06-21-2022 06:51 PM
Replacing the batteries also helped! Thanks
06-27-2022 07:17 PM
I've been having this issue for a few days. Replacing the batteries seemed to fix it, just wish they didn't need to let me know my batteries are low every 30 seconds, super annoying.
07-01-2022 04:38 PM - edited 07-01-2022 04:41 PM
Thanks a lot! Was using Quest 2 and connect to pc through oculus link. That message pops up on my pc oculus side EVERYTIME once I tap my quest 2 twice(enter passthrough mode). And oculus environment that in my Quest 2's side had to restart, some games or applications may restart which is very annoying, it got a message said the controller panel crashed due to some severe problem (sort of, It's in Chinese becoz of my language tho).
Since I replace the batteries of the controllers(they were both show at 10% power left) and everything backs to normal. Thanks again and hope this would help someone else too.
07-05-2022 09:21 PM
Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.
i get this message every time i try to pair the headset to the PC. I do not have an air link cable nor do i have the money for one.
Please can anyone offer any info? im incredibly pissed off. i planned my whole night for this and now what else am i supposed to do? i paid $450 cad for the headset. plus who knows how much on games and i cant use the stupid thing.
07-06-2022 04:19 AM
In my case it seems to work to change/recharche the batteries of the controllers. cheers
07-15-2022 05:16 PM
I have had the same issue. If you know now I would appreciate the help.
07-21-2022 06:10 PM
Air link does not require cable but only wifi in same network; Oculus link(cable link) just require a decent quality of 3.0(old standard)/3.1 gen1(new standard) usb type C (quest side) to type A/C(pc side) cable. But they act the same once you paired and same buttons to press.
Checked controllers' batteries are full? And have you ever entered the oculus environment(the place you can watch your pc and run apps from pc)?
You don't use cables so I guess you are paired and trying to press that air link and that don't work.
I do rarely see people have that error just for pairing.
07-24-2022 06:37 PM
this problem is still present, my controllers are full battery. headset is unusable, as the error appears within 2 seconds of entering oculus link, and headset tears/freezes/bricks requiring a hard reboot. its been unusable for 2 months through many updates. cant wait for oculus to tell me to "pOst a bUg rEpoRt" as their solution