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Oculus SDK and non-oculus Headset devices (like HTC Vive) within same project

Honored Guest
I'm wondering next case has problem or not with Oculus SDK License.
The project which includes Oculus SDK, but if detect non-oculus headset,  the project does not use Oculus SDK.

I develop VR app with Unity and I know Oculus SDK Licence is Unity EULA SDK, 
However, in this page([SDK (3.4.1) | Developer Center | Oculus](, I found next line 
"1.1 This license grants you the non-exclusive license and right to use (i) the Oculus SDK to make engines, tools, applications, content, games and demos (collectively and generally referred to as "Developer Content") for use on the Oculus approved hardware and software products ("Oculus Approved Products") and which may incorporate the Oculus SDK in whole or in part in binary or object code; " .

If no problem, 
Could anyone tell me the part or some link about this case? 

Honored Guest

Hi, Thank you for your reply.

Firstrly, We will not upload our project to your uploader.
Our situation is like below.

1. We used Unity to develop our project.
2. Our target platform is Oculus Rift & HTC Vive.
3. We used oculus SDK for Oculus Rift only, then, we used OpenVR SDK for  HTC Vive only.
4. If the code detect HTC Vive, the project will not use Oculus SDK, however oculus SDK and OpenVR SDK exits in the same project.
5. We will not upload our project to your uploader.

In this case, and, in terms of the license of oculus SDK,
Is there any problem or not?

Best regards.