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Honored Guest




Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

Hey @shigerunba

Can you try these steps?

Make sure the tracking is turned on

By default, the headset will use 6DoF tracking, unless it has been turned off in the Guardian settings panel or lost tracking while in VR.

  • Click on the clock on the left side of the universal menu
  • Select Settings
  • Select System from the Settings panel
  • Select Headset Tracking from the left side panel
  • Make sure Headset Tracking is ticked

2. Clear your boundary history

Bear in mind that if you have multiple accounts on the same headset, boundary history will be cleared for all accounts, not just the account you are currently using.

  • Press the Oculus/Meta logo on your right controller
  • Click on the clock on the left side of the universal menu
  • Select Settings
  • In the settings panel, select Boundary
  • Select 'Clear Boundary history'
  • Redraw your Guardian boundaries by selecting 'Adjust Boundary' from the Boundary settings menu

3. Reboot the headset

  • Turn the headset off, wait a minute or two, then turn it back on.
    • A restart is a little different so turning the headset off is recommended over just restarting

4. Remove any unsupported third-party accessories that may affect tracking (such as controller covers, controller attachments, etc.)

Let me know if this works for you! 🍒

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