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1 second black screen freeze when loading on my Oculus. (Problem Solved)

Honored Guest

I've been having issues with my Oculus rift over the past two weeks. My laptop is new and so is my Oculus. The major issue is the screen freezing for a second and loading symbol is on the bottom right and it becomes a squared screen rather than 360 visual for a second then everything goes back to normal. That happens when loading something new, for example, if I reloaded my gun the first time or I go to the next chapter in a game. however if I reloaded the gun second time it doesn't happen, so only first-time loadings. Another issue is stuttering and sometimes it's showing me poor tracking quality for the sensor (-8602) or sensor truncated or headset tracking error (it goes away when I take off the headset during a game). My laptop is MSI GS63VR 6RF and I haven't had these problems at the beginning, the first issue is what really ruining my experience and making me not enjoy my Rift, please help me solve this. Side note I play other games on my laptop with ultra settings like Rainbow Six Siege and I do not experience the freeze with loading at all, it is only with my VR.

Sorry for my English, not a native speaker.

Update: I installed a Samsung Evo SSD instead of HDD that I used and solved the problem, no issues.

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