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2025, Quest Link software crashes wifi when checking location in Windows 11

Honored Guest

As of a couple of weeks ago, the Oculus Link software disconnects my computer from wifi every time it checks location in Windows 11.  There is nothing wrong with my computer or wifi, router or modem.  Everything that could possibly be wrong has been checked.  Drivers are all updated and settings for everything have been checked.  

When wifi disconnects, I check the location services in Windows.  It lists the Oculus Link software as having tried to check for location.  The time the software checked location is the exact time the wifi went out.  There is a direct correlation between checking location, to dropping wifi.  Since this issue started, I have not been able to successfully connect my Quest 3 headset to the computer via link cable or the Air Bridge dongle.  Everything was working perfectly prior to this issue.  

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