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2nd Rift unit - also tilted left

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Hi, I got my Rift on black friday and the view is slightly tilted to the left (about 3 - 5 degree). problem can be found on the forums and on google many times. Some weeks ago I testet a friends Rift and it was also tilted left, but it wasnt mine so there was no action taken.

As it's the second unit in my hands with the same issue could this probably be a design flaw? hareware or software related I don't know. It's annoying for such a high class product to have simple thinks like the horizontal view out of angle. I would rather send my Rift to RMA than to live with it. I contacted support to see if they have a fix. I heard they do no longer distribute the IMU tool (which didnt fix the issue for anyone).

any ideas (other than sending it back)?


I had several which ALL had a slight left tilt after I connected and initialized them the first time. After a reboot of the PC, the tilt was gone. There's other situations where I can force a tilt, say by stopping and restarting the oculus service. (But also not always). This strongly indicates a software or some timing issue to me, not a hardware problem. I would deinstall and then re-install oculus and, as idiotic as it sounds wait a couple of days with some reboots in between..and only then conclude it's something with hardware.

Another guess (and this is really just a guess)..that it might have to do something with how and when the Rift/Oculus starts up. For example whether it's still in a drawer or something when you start Oculus, or whether it sits on your head. Whatever causes it, to me it looks like a fluke thing that happens in rare circumstances but I never had one which had a permanent tilt.
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