04-08-2024 03:37 PM
Its the 2nd update, v63 and v64, once again theres no access for the data file, meaning no modding. Ive been waiting for update, everytime i got on my headset, i quickly go to setting and system then system software, for v64 just so i could mod my games again. Comes out. And no access for data files. Good one meta, if there are 2 versions of the update again, either let us choose which one we can use, or compltely develop the update adn then release it, not some poeple having the unfinished one. Hope to see a v64 fix in the next few days cuz its getting really annoying.
04-10-2024 12:20 PM
Hey hey @Half_Tweaky! From what you're saying, I believe this is currently something that is being worked on. I would recommend keeping an eye on this thread for the known issue we currently have about scoped storage. The moderators will keep that thread updated with any news regarding scoped storage as soon as we have it.
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