01:39 AM
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04:54 AM
I got oculus quest 2, windows 10 and
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz
gpu: NVIDIA GeForce GTX1650
So i have yet another problem like everyone else ever had or something cause there's a LOT of threads with the problem, yet all the solutions are the same: Reinstall the drivers, update the oculus etc.
I even did a god dang factory reset on the oculus quest, nothing changed.
If you say my pc stats are the problem - no they're not, they worked perfectly fine for like 2 years at this point, and also worked like a week ago, but now i launch the oculus, i connect it to the pc, i press oculus link... and there's a black screen and 3 dots forever.
Sometimes its just black screen without dots, and then i put the headset on sleep mode and unsleep mode again and the dots appear.
Funny thing is also putting the quest on sleep mode and undoing it restarts the app, which also starts to infinitely load after that, being stuck on the intro tab not loading as long as i don't disable the quest link, after which it loads in 3 seconds.
Someone please help. I can hear the sounds playing from the pc but it's all just black screen, and i repeat i have all my drivers up to date and all other stuff, disabled antiviruses, nvidia geforce stuff, even done stuff with display settings in windows like putting the oculus apps into the graphics settings and putting them to highest priority. NOTHING works.
10-26-2024 03:30 AM
@Cookie-catto please make sure that both your PC app and headset are on the same version probably V69.
meta keep updating the supported GPU list and removing lower end cards which then don't work. Have you tried SteamLink to connect your headset to the PC -
Steam Link on Meta Quest | Quest VR games | Meta Store - which is free
or Virtual Desktop
Virtual Desktop on Meta Quest | Quest VR games | Meta Store - which is £18.99
10-26-2024 05:18 PM
Hi Cookie-catto!
We're sorry to hear you're having issues with your PCVR experience!
We see that you noted that your GPU is a Nvidia GeForce GTX1650. Unfortunately, that GPU is currently not supported.
This would be a reason for unreliability and/or crashes.
To see our compatibility list, check here.
If you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch!
Best wishes,
Meta Quest Support
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