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A small question regarding changing payment information

Honored Guest

I live in a country where credit cards are not that common, luckily a family member of mine had one and we purchased a Oculus Rift with her credit card. I have checked with Oculus and they say this is fine. Sometime after paying for the order we realised we had to match up the billing address with the address on her card (we never use credit cards). We changed the billing address. Now I have received my own credit card and would like to change the payment info once again, but I am afraid I will be seen as some scalper because of the payment information changing for the third time now. My common sense tells me nothing is wrong with changing the information again but since launch I have read all sorts of disturbing information about orders being cancelled for miniscule things. Do I have anything to worry about? Thanks.

TLDR: Changed payment information for third time, worrying about the message it sends. No problem right?

Rising Star
Nah, I've changed my payment and shipping address more than once with no problems. Just make sure your billing country is the same as your shipping country.
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