08-08-2017 10:40 PM
08-13-2017 04:37 PM
08-14-2017 10:53 AM
08-17-2017 10:52 PM
08-18-2017 12:45 AM
08-18-2017 12:48 PM
08-18-2017 06:29 PM
I dont know. ive been looking for adapters that support 90 hz and 2k res but i cant find anything. pm me if you do
SkapeGote said:
Drewster1123 said:
I just got my rift today and tried to plug the HDMI into my GTX 970 and now the port isnt working. i never heard about the "horror stories" until now. i thought the rift might have just changed the resolution and refresh rate too high for my moniter but i still don't know. anyone else having the same problem
This seems to be an issue with our cards. look up Oculus killed my hdmi port on google. this is why i want to use my Displayport. If not than DVI. Will and DVI to HDMI thing work?
08-18-2017 06:31 PM
SkapeGote said:
Didn't risk it. I got a DVI-D adapter. I did get a HDMI elbow as well but once the DVI started working I didn't try the HDMI. Thanks for all the help guys.
SkapeGote said:
Didn't risk it. I got a DVI-D adapter. I did get a HDMI elbow as well but once the DVI started working I didn't try the HDMI. Thanks for all the help guys.
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