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ASUS Strix GTX 970 Displayport

Hey everyone,

I'm new here, so hello. I have a few questions. I get my Rift friday, and i want to be ready.

1. I've heard horror stories about my GTX 970 Strix and the Rift. Damaged HDMI ports. Was considering using the displayport instead. It is full size not mini, which leads into question 2

2. What are some recommended Displayport adapters?. Brands in particular.

3. Could you guys be anymore helpful?. Because you're awesome.



Honored Guest
i have a  Strix GTX970 , i hooked up my brand new Oculus to the hdmi port two days ago and have not had any problems. 

I've had a Rift hooked to my STRIX GTX970 since launch (recv'd June 2016) - and never had any issues with the HDMI.  

Didn't risk it. I got a DVI-D adapter. I did get a HDMI elbow as well but once the DVI started working I didn't try the HDMI. Thanks for all the help guys. 

 I have a 970 Strix. Have had the Rift from day one and my HDMI port is fine. I have been using an hdmi extension cable for about a year now without issue. Anyone so paranoid about damaging their hdmi port should get an extension cable and stop worrying.

Honored Guest
I'm using Strix Gtx980. Monitor connected via DVI port and Oculusheadset connected via the DP++/HDMI 2.0 adapter. Works great. No more HDMI connection problems.

Not applicable

SkapeGote said:

I just got my rift today and tried to plug the HDMI into my GTX 970 and now the port isnt working. i never heard about the "horror stories" until now. i thought the rift might have just changed the resolution and refresh rate too high for my moniter but i still don't know. anyone else having the same problem

This seems to be an issue with our cards. look up Oculus killed my hdmi port on google. this is why i want to use my Displayport. If not than DVI. Will and DVI to HDMI thing work?

I dont know. ive been looking for adapters that support 90 hz and 2k res but i cant find anything. pm me if you do  

Not applicable

SkapeGote said:

Didn't risk it. I got a DVI-D adapter. I did get a HDMI elbow as well but once the DVI started working I didn't try the HDMI. Thanks for all the help guys. 

SkapeGote said:

Didn't risk it. I got a DVI-D adapter. I did get a HDMI elbow as well but once the DVI started working I didn't try the HDMI. Thanks for all the help guys. 

Can you send me the link to the adapter you got?
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