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ASW not working. Is this because of the 1.9 update?

I just noticed that ASW doesn't work.  Is this because of the new 1.9 update?  If so, why the hell would they disable ASW?

Expert Trustee
They probably didn't disable ASW because ASW has never been enabled.   Most likely if you've used the registry hack to enable it the update has overwritten that with the default registry entry and you'll just need to switch it back.


TwoHedWlf said:

They probably didn't disable ASW because ASW has never been enabled.   Most likely if you've used the registry hack to enable it the update has overwritten that with the default registry entry and you'll just need to switch it back.

Actually it worked for me without ever using the registry hack.  But then it stopped working and even after adding the registry hack it's still not working.

ASW is in pre-release for developers. If you post or examine your logs you should see an entry in the service log as to the enablement status of ASW. If it's working and good to go, you should see "ASW Enabled", if not, you'll see "ASW Disabled" and a reason given.


ASW is in pre-release for developers. If you post or examine your logs you should see an entry in the service log as to the enablement status of ASW. If it's working and good to go, you should see "ASW Enabled", if not, you'll see "ASW Disabled" and a reason given.

Wish I knew how to check logs and wish I could get a straight answer on whether ASW has been disabled in the 1.9 update.

Heroic Explorer
No, it hasn't been disabled.  As @DeanOfTheDrivers said (who works at Oculus), It's there for developer use.  Not sure that you'll get much more official support on a feature which hasn't yet been released.


goldenegg said:

No, it hasn't been disabled.  As @DeanOfTheDrivers said (who works at Oculus), It's there for developer use.  Not sure that you'll get much more official support on a feature which hasn't yet been released.

Are you sure?  Have you tried it?  Because it doesn't work for me or my friend and we made no changes to our systems and it was working just fine before.

It hasn't been disabled. It is pre-release software for developers which means it's there on the condition we can get feedback from users.

Honored Visionary
@Jay535 - I don't see how you could have it without it been released. You have to use a registry hack to use it.

Honored Visionary
Does anyone know if ASW acts like 90 FPS still in that it doesn't make you feel sick when you use 45Hz?
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