10-15-2016 05:47 PM
10-15-2016 06:53 PM
10-15-2016 08:05 PM
TwoHedWlf said:
They probably didn't disable ASW because ASW has never been enabled. Most likely if you've used the registry hack to enable it the update has overwritten that with the default registry entry and you'll just need to switch it back.
10-15-2016 08:25 PM
10-15-2016 09:30 PM
DeanOfTheDrivers said:
ASW is in pre-release for developers. If you post or examine your logs you should see an entry in the service log as to the enablement status of ASW. If it's working and good to go, you should see "ASW Enabled", if not, you'll see "ASW Disabled" and a reason given.
10-15-2016 09:35 PM
10-15-2016 09:48 PM
goldenegg said:
No, it hasn't been disabled. As @DeanOfTheDrivers said (who works at Oculus), It's there for developer use. Not sure that you'll get much more official support on a feature which hasn't yet been released.
10-16-2016 12:06 AM
10-16-2016 07:53 AM
10-16-2016 07:56 AM
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