3 weeks ago
So, to begin with. I’ve had my Meta Quest 3 for a month or so. I have only used it 2-3 times and the other day, I got onto my device to play a game. When I got onto my device and booted it up, it said that I was not connected to the internet. I went to the network settings and it was completely grayed out. I looked up issues with this and there were none reported on exactly what I was experiencing. A meta quest forum i found recommended to try rebooting my WiFi, ensuring that it had an opened NAT type, and worst case scenario, factory resetting my Quest 3. I’ve done all of this now, and the WiFi button is STILL completely grayed out. I’ve even attempted to login to my network from the meta quest app, and it STILL isn’t working. I’ve gone through the hoops of attempting to login to other networks, personal hotspots and everything. So today, i decided to reach out to meta support to see if there was anyway that I could receive a refund for my product. I purchased this product BRAND NEW. The customer service agent informed me that my device had been outside of the return window (over 30 day) and stated that he could process a replacement. (To get to this point it had taken over an hour via chat because he made me download a 3rd party troubleshooting app to run diagnostics on my network beforehand, which did not show any issues with my network). This agent was respectful during the interaction, but he had TERRIBLE grammar(which also seemed completely unprofessional) and then proceeded to tell me that I would receive a refurbished device as a replacement. I understand that you as a business prospective, you do not want to send out new units for every single replacement that you have to process, but my issue is that I purchased this device BRAND NEW and it is resulting with a factory/software issue that was not caused by user error. I take very good care of my devices/game systems that I purchased, and I even store my quest 3 in the original box after each use.
My main complaint is: if I purchased a brand new device, i expect this device to function correctly as intended. If it does not work as intended without reckless or malicious damage caused by the user and is resulting in software or internal hardware defects outside of wear and tear of being used, I completely expect either a refund or a replacement with a BRAND NEW device. I do not want someone else’s problem device or a device that was also presenting with a factory defect and returned.
This would be different if I had purchased a used or refurbished device. If that was the case, I would completely expect a refurbished device as a replacement.
This is TERRIBLE customer service. I have had an issue with a brand new device that I’ve purchased from other manufacturers, and those manufacturers accepted the device back and had given me a brand new device in return.
I completely understand that each company is different, and I normally never complain or even go to an extent of posting on a public forum, but this is the worst experience I have ever had with a product or company. I don’t even want a replacement device at this point, because I’ve honestly do not even want to support this company with how this was handled.
All I’m asking is for a refund on my device that i purchased originally.
3 weeks ago
I just experienced something similar. Our meta quest 3 is barely passed the warranty window and customer service offered me a refurbished meta quest for $459.99. This company is a joke, they want me to spend more money on them after I payed $650 on the first meta quest 3. This is a complete rip off! I can't believe they get away with this!
2 weeks ago
The same seems hapens with me right now:
2 weeks ago
I feel the exact same way. The warranty support is a horrific experience. I'll never buy another Meta product again. See about my experience here: https://communityforums.atmeta.com/t5/Get-Help/Meta-Quest-2-is-Trash/m-p/1289950#M354597
2 weeks ago
have still 2 days to reject the buy of my Quest 3.
If in this 2 days they helped me and I could make them works.... I will recomend in all social media to buy it caus when works works nicely.
If they do not help me or I could not make it works, I´ll reject them and recomend in all social medio to not buy a quest
a week ago
I'm interested
a week ago
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