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Account not linked

Honored Guest


I have the same issue as graham here:


1,5 year ago I sold my Oculus Quest 2. I had an account linked to my facebook profile and I had few apps there like BeatSaber (with few song packs), Moss etc. Now I am wondering about buying Quest 3. Today I tried to log into my account (in the shop) for the first time since 2022 but Meta couldn’t find anything connected to it. So I needed to create a new one and it’s empty. Is there a way to get my stuff back? I tried the solution in grahams post, I tried to login using my e-mail, not Facebook account, but it also did not solve the problem. Please help. 

Thanks a lot



Hi @DenisDart 🙂

Seems you' missed the migration from oculus accounts to Meta accounts.

Last year people got mails as last reminder to migrate until March 29th, 2024.

Those mails said, accounts that haven't done the migration to this date, will be deleted.

You can talk to support, maybe they can help you restoring your account/purchases.

Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.

Good luck🤞

Thanks a lot!! 

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