12-22-2016 03:28 PM
12-26-2016 03:32 PM
12-26-2016 08:04 PM
12-27-2016 12:56 AM
12-27-2016 01:49 AM
Defectus said:
I also have this issue. Tracking works well for the most part. But when i turn around facing away from the two front sensors my head jumps a couple of inches in height. Tried having the sensors both upside down and up. Have recommended inateck card (tried both MS & fresco drivers), 6600k, z170 mobo and 1070. The two front sensors are USB 3 to the inatech card, HMD to USB 3.1 port on mobo and third sensor is USB2 on mobo.
Thinking of trying placing my back sensor in the middle of the front sensors today to see if it helps.
But with my current setup i still can sit by my computer for gamepad games which is a plus.
12-27-2016 02:05 AM
12-27-2016 08:00 AM
12-27-2016 10:01 AM
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