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Added third sensor and now my tracking is jumpy

Not applicable
I got my third sensor and I've followed the instructions, but the experience is jumpy with it. Its like I'm dropping a few inches and then bouncing back. If I disconnect the third sensor everything is fine.

  • I've connected the third sensor to a USB 2.0 port.
  • I've tried it on an USB 3.0 port, on the motherboard as well as on a separate USB controller board.  
  • The USB board I have is the one Oculus recommends.  
  • The other USB devices I have connected are a keyboard (Corsair RGB), mouse, bluetooth adapter, and the xbox wireless adapter.  
  • I've tried disconnecting all of them, still jumpy.
  • I've checked that drivers are up to date, they are.
  • I've checked that there are no errors in Device Manager nor Oculus > Settings > Devices.  
  • I've "Reset Sensor Tracking" several times as well as "Run Full Setup"
  • I'm on Windows 10.
  • I've restarted my machine.
What else can I try?

i think i might have fixed my usb issues  but i dont want to talk much about it touch wood pardon the pun lol

Not applicable
If you fixed tracking, how about telling us? lol

I also have this issue. Tracking works well for the most part. But when i turn around facing away from the two front sensors my head jumps a couple of inches in height. Tried having the sensors both upside down and up. Have recommended inateck card (tried both MS & fresco drivers), 6600k, z170 mobo and 1070. The two front sensors are USB 3 to the inatech card, HMD to USB 3.1 port on mobo and third sensor is USB2 on mobo.
Thinking of trying placing my back sensor in the middle of the front sensors today to see if it helps. 
But with my current setup i still can sit by my computer for gamepad games which is a plus.



Defectus said:

I also have this issue. Tracking works well for the most part. But when i turn around facing away from the two front sensors my head jumps a couple of inches in height. Tried having the sensors both upside down and up. Have recommended inateck card (tried both MS & fresco drivers), 6600k, z170 mobo and 1070. The two front sensors are USB 3 to the inatech card, HMD to USB 3.1 port on mobo and third sensor is USB2 on mobo.
Thinking of trying placing my back sensor in the middle of the front sensors today to see if it helps. 
But with my current setup i still can sit by my computer for gamepad games which is a plus.


Try that.
i7 6700K @ 4.2 GHz | Corsair 16GB DDR4 PC2300 | GTX 1080 Ti | Asus z170-Pro | Corsair RGB Strafe Keyboard | Logitech G27 | Oculus CV1 + Touch + 4 Sensors | Win 10 64 bit | Acer Predator x34 @ 100Hz

Just tried that. But a bit to the left on your picture. Now It's perfect. But it kinda sucks. Now I can't play any games sitting down by my computer. No Dirt or Elite =/

Interesting, I had the sensor at waist height but I moved it up to about 1,85 meters (I'm 1,76). And now it starts acting up again. Could it be that when all the sensors are above head-height that the problems starts to arise?  

update-  tracking and usb issues still problematic back to the drawing  board
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