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Adding payment issues

Heroic Explorer
I am unable to pay for anything from the store and have opened support tickets and either no one responds OR the one that did didn't have any resolve for it and stop responding.  When I try to add a credit card I get....
There was a problem trying to add this credit card. Please try again or use a different payment method.

I have used 3 different cards and checked and rechecked what was entered each time. When I try using Paypal I get.....
Paypal did not complete successfully. Please change to a different payment method or click Continue to be redirected back to Paypal. After that, you'll return here to finalize your order.

This is very frustrating since I have only had My oculus headset for a few days and that was due to having to buy it from Amazon since I was unable from the Oculus store.  I have read MANY forums of ppl having the same issues and no one in support seems to know how to fix it.  The lack of customer service w/ the Oculus is distressing to say the least and I have seen ppl saying they was returning their headset due to lack of support.  I will have to say this IS the worst I have ever received from ANY company.  You would think a "up and coming" VR company would have better standards and at least a phone number for customer service for us to call....I am very disappointed.  I guess Amazon and Steam will get my money since Oculus doesn't apparently need it....

Having the same issue while trying to purchase an additional sensor.

same issue on oculus store can't buy games

Heroic Explorer
They sent me an email today saying they had to "process an update for your account". IDK but it works now :smile: and I have already bought 5 more games, I am a happy girl hehe.  Hope yours gets "updated" and fixed.

still doesn't work for me... ULTRA frustrating

Use Paypal and connect your CC to it. It will work. I had the same issue.

Heroic Explorer
Yeah see that was one of the things I had done before when mine wasn't working and it didnt take Paypal either.  I am just glad it is working now.  I would just email them a support ticket and have them look at your account to see if there is something there on their end that is keeping you from making a purchase.  Maybe a transaction you cancelled somehow messed things up?  I think that was what happened to me when i originally was going to purchase the headset and touch controllers a month ago and changed my mind wanting to do more research on the diff VR platforms out and their "future".  

Honored Guest
I purchased a game and got a receipt, and the game is in my orders, but I can't seem to download it.

Heroic Explorer
Have you gone to the library in the headset or on your PC to try to download it from there?

Honored Guest
Started off with a DK2 loved it. Graduated up to CV1 even better but I am at a stand still here with this payment bug that oculus refuses to rectify. Tried several credit cards all have errors. Managed to link my paypal but keep getting errors when trying to purchase a game saying error with payment method. HMMM why does this have anything to do with my payment method when I try to use store credit. I tired this on multiple devices and on the home app and browser versions of my account. opened ticket....clueless service agent asks me to restart my computer...maybe that will help...even better lets reinstall your bank maybe they are the problem....nope... did you clear your browser history...Are f***ing kidding me! Now if I could only figure out a way to get my money back o wait I cant since best buy wont take it back...great I guess I will have to settle for a long drawn out legal battle with oculus since they cant get their shit together maybe the 100s of other people your are ignoring will join me.....we will find out.
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