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Adobe 3D Modeler - does it run???


I tried to get Adobe Medium for my Quest 3... turns out after a day of trying that its highest Quest compatability is the Quest 2. Great. So I downloaded and installed Adobe Substance 3D Modeler... it installed...


Can't find it ANYWHERE on my harddrive. No shortcut, no confirmation other than the notification it installed on my system. Now the Meta store page shows "manage subsciption", but when I go there, it tells me I have no subscription active.

I have been on the phone for now 9 hours with Adobe as I type this, only to be repeatedly hung up on as the Substance team tries to forward me to the appropriate tech department.

What a farce, from a internationally acclaimed company like Adobe, no less... but I digress.


Does anyone have a solution for the only reason I bought a VR unit in the first place? Nomad 3d failed, Kodon failed, Medium is a technologically defunct no-go for modern units, and Substance 3D Modeler is so far 100% fail.


Any help would be appreciated.


(EDIT, 30 minutes later: Adobe closed for the day and hung up on me a 6th time, telling me to call back tomorrow. 9.5 hrs and not ONE thing accomplished. Stunningly bad customer service over there. Almost as bad as Kodon, who simply have 0 customer service contact.)

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