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After 63.0 release installed - No Controllers


After 63.0 release installed - No Controllers. Boots to Change User or Continue Screen with no way to select continue. Controllers Vibrate on boot, and are on the phone app as paired. After fooling around pressing buttons  the controllers randomly vibrate but never able to select continue. Tried hands only no difference. The oculus button on the right controller is working to reset the view.  I noticed that the white dot that usually follows your head motion was off to my left and stationary and that it started to change color after I pressed the buttons for a while. I was able to move the menu over by the dot if I looked in it's direction, got the continue button to pass in front of the white dot and when it did I pressed the controller trigger(s) and the dot changed color and selected continue.. got the next option which showed the guardian boundary and in pass through with the menu: continue or redraw.. but still no controllers. I just kept pressing random buttons .. it took some screen shots, kept pressing buttons.. the voice command logo came; I said "continue" it replied "Sorry I can't do that"... kept pressing buttons while keeping the white dot on the continue.. finally it worked!! went to my home environment and controllers or hands only worked great... tired some apps all worked great!  .. Did a power off and power on ... and back to square one... no controllers stuck on the change user/continue screen.   Thanks for reading my sad story any ideas to fix please let me know or if you had the same problem after installing 63.0 

New update: If I hold the power button down till I get the power off/ reset /cancel screen... my controllers appear and I can use them. If I cancel and go back to the "sign in screen/ change user" .. my controllers disappear again. 
Same if I power off completely and power on no controllers again ... but always return at the power off options screen after holding the power button.


Accepted Solutions

Check device manager? This is Quest 2 Software issue after a release update to 63.0... not a Oculus Rift connected to a PC... 

I could see and use my controllers in the Power Off/Rest/Cancel menu, if I select Cancel and it would go back to the Sign In screen the controllers disappear, and you can't select continue... the controllers were sort of working ie; the Oculus button to recenter the menu always worked when I press it but that was about it.

How I fixed the issue: From the non-functioning Sign In screen Hold the Power button till You get to the Power Off menu - I can use see and use my controllers in the Power Off/Rest/Cancel menu, if I select Cancel and it would go back to the Sign In screen the controllers disappear and you can't select continue. Found that if put the headset in sleep mode from the Power Menu screen. Then touch the power button to awaken the head set I would get the controllers still in the Power off menu, then cancel to get back on the Sign In screen I would see the controllers (sometimes had to reawaken a few times from the Power Off menu to see the controllers in the Sign on screen). Once I was able to Sign In everything worked great, no controller issues. (If I did power off then on or reset I would boot to the Sign In screen and no controllers). Once I was up and working I looked I went to Settings - Software and it says New Update Available 63.0  - which I had completed when all this started. And I scroll down to my Current Version it said the current installed version is 63.0xxxxxxx,  By my symptoms obviously some glitch in the update, that the headset doesn't recognize that I already have 63.0, so I did the downloaded and installed again, didn't mess with the headset just left at software update screen till it rebooted... and all my problems went away.. no controller issues. Didn't have factory reset... Lucky me. 


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Honored Guest

I am having the same issue. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @DSSkills & @sundewzer. Having your controllers in working order is paramount to having the best VR experience possible. That's the experience we want for you every time you pick up your headset. Our aim is to get you back in the game. With that being said, we want to ask you a few questions so we can better determine how to proceed.


  1. Can you tell us what lights are showing on your controller, if any? Also, if those lights are blinking, what color?
  2. Can you leave the batteries out for about 20–30 minutes and then try to reconnect the controller?

In the meantime, we do have some steps for you to try that have shown some success in the past for this issue:


  1. Open Device Manager. 
  2. Expand the Universal Serial Bus Controllers section at the bottom of the list.
  3. For each item listed under Universal Serial Bus Controllers, right-click and select Properties. 
  4. Scroll to Energy Management. Make sure power-saving options are unchecked. 

Thank you for working with us to get this issue resolved and for the troubleshooting you have already tried. It's always appreciated. We hope to hear from you very soon, and until then, have a great day!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Check device manager? This is Quest 2 Software issue after a release update to 63.0... not a Oculus Rift connected to a PC... 

I could see and use my controllers in the Power Off/Rest/Cancel menu, if I select Cancel and it would go back to the Sign In screen the controllers disappear, and you can't select continue... the controllers were sort of working ie; the Oculus button to recenter the menu always worked when I press it but that was about it.

How I fixed the issue: From the non-functioning Sign In screen Hold the Power button till You get to the Power Off menu - I can use see and use my controllers in the Power Off/Rest/Cancel menu, if I select Cancel and it would go back to the Sign In screen the controllers disappear and you can't select continue. Found that if put the headset in sleep mode from the Power Menu screen. Then touch the power button to awaken the head set I would get the controllers still in the Power off menu, then cancel to get back on the Sign In screen I would see the controllers (sometimes had to reawaken a few times from the Power Off menu to see the controllers in the Sign on screen). Once I was able to Sign In everything worked great, no controller issues. (If I did power off then on or reset I would boot to the Sign In screen and no controllers). Once I was up and working I looked I went to Settings - Software and it says New Update Available 63.0  - which I had completed when all this started. And I scroll down to my Current Version it said the current installed version is 63.0xxxxxxx,  By my symptoms obviously some glitch in the update, that the headset doesn't recognize that I already have 63.0, so I did the downloaded and installed again, didn't mess with the headset just left at software update screen till it rebooted... and all my problems went away.. no controller issues. Didn't have factory reset... Lucky me. 


How I fixed the issue: From the non-functioning Sign In screen Hold the Power button till You get to the Power Off menu - I can use see and use my controllers in the Power Off/Rest/Cancel menu, if I select Cancel and it would go back to the Sign In screen the controllers disappear and you can't select continue. Found that if put the headset in sleep mode from the Power Menu screen. Then touch the power button to awaken the head set I would get the controllers still in the Power off menu, then cancel to get back on the Sign In screen I would see the controllers (sometimes had to reawaken a few times from the Power Off menu to see the controllers in the Sign on screen). Once I was able to Sign In everything worked great, no controller issues. (If I did power off then on or reset I would boot to the Sign In screen and no controllers). Once I was up and working I looked I went to Settings - Software and it says New Update Available 63.0  - which I had completed when all this started. And I scroll down to my Current Version it said the current installed version is 63.0xxxxxxx,  By my symptoms obviously some glitch in the update, that the headset doesn't recognize that I already have 63.0, so I did the downloaded and installed again, didn't mess with the headset just left at software update screen till it rebooted... and all my problems went away.. no controller issues. Everything is working great, Didn't have to factory reset.  Maybe this will work for you ...Good Luck

Hello again, dskillin. Thank you for that clarification. We truly appreciate you sharing what worked for you, and we are certainly going to take note of this. Our users are some of the most intuitive in the VR world, and we appreciate it when you can share a resolution. Especially without having to do a factory reset. We'll also let our engineers know about you having to update your headset to version 63 and then being prompted to update it again. Please keep us posted if you encounter the issue again or if you have any further questions for us. Thank you, and happy gaming!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

I was able to fix mine by doing this as well. Only difference is my controllers started working by just doing a manual sleep and wake with side button. Mine also said I was on version 63 and needed to update to 63. After telling it to update and giving it a while it eventually wanted to restart and after I did the controller worked just fine. 

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