01-12-2025 10:49 AM
Hi everyone, I'm struggling with an issue and could really use some help. Air Link disconnects after my headset has been idle on the table for a few hours. When I put it back on, there’s no connection. Attempting to pair results in an error.
To get it working, I have to go through a lengthy process:
After that, I can start the pairing process again, get a new pairing code, and repeat everything. This happens every single time, and I have to re-pair the headset with the PC each time. It’s incredibly frustrating and makes it almost impossible to enjoy playing.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
I’ve also noticed that even when the PC is paired with the headset, streaming to the PC app doesn’t work. The headset doesn’t appear as an option for streaming, although it streams fine to a third-party app on an Android tablet.
Has anyone faced a similar issue or found a fix for this?
Device: Oculus Quest 3
Firmware: Version 72
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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