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Air Link crashes after 10 minutes of play, link cable doesn't work at all.

Honored Guest

As title says. Any time I try to use AirLink lately, it works semi-okay for about 10 minutes and then freezes and goes back to the Quest AR menu and makes me re-connect to Quest Link.

I bought a Link cable last year, and have never gotten it to work for more than one play session. Any time I'm able to get it to work, it will not work again until I go through a whole process of deleting and re-installing the app, drivers, the SDK, and swapping around ports and restarting my PC until it finally recognizes that it's plugged in. This, in my experience, seems to 100% be a driver issue, and one that I cannot resolve. When it is plugged in, OCCASIONALLY there will be an "Unrecognized Device" in my Device Manager under USB devices. No update, roll-back, manual install, etc can get this device to be recognized. It also only appears when the headset is plugged in, but not every time the headset is plugged in. The 'unrecognized device' is still present even on the rare occasion the headset is able to be linked via the cable.

The fact that the cable cant be used with the elite battery is also literally one of the stupidest designs in the history of ever, for the record. Maybe if the headset didn't absolutely eat power when in Link it would be a different story, but seriously... I upgraded from an OG CV1 for this and literally the only advantage has been the slightly higher resolution. Very, very disappointed.

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