12-15-2024 05:14 AM - edited 12-15-2024 05:17 AM
My setup is:
- Oculus Quest 2
- Win11 laptop PC, a really good Lenovo gaming one, 'every-game-ultra-settings' kind of good.
- Xiaomi router that supports WiFi-6
So now what happens: I successfully start Air Link connection via Oculus App, everything is fine, start SteamVR, launch a game, play for 30 secs, then all of a sudden it goes into a frozen image and a complete unresponsiveness state. The very SteamVR app still runs fine on my PC. After a while of being frozen it seems to detect a disconnection and now I need to restart both PC and Headset to ever connect again which really sucks but let's not mix Oculus App problems into this.
I've also tried to run it with Steam Link. Again, connects and detect just fine, everything being smooth and cool, done 30 secs playing and I get something like "failed to stream video" and here we are restarting everything once more.
Then I tried a connection over Type-C cable, i.e. the Quest Link. Well seems like working, at least it didn't fail in 30 secs and I've successfully played over 10 mins.
I've tried different network setups:
- my preferred one that I was hoping to work in the first place: Ethernet from PC to router, WiFi6 over 5GHz from Quest 2 to router
- remove cable, go with WiFi6 both for headset and PC
- cable from PC to router, 5GHz hotspot on the laptop side
So I would like you to provide me with at least some means of detecting on which side the problem is: is it Win11 doing something stupid or is it some kind of a hardware issue on the headset side. I want to play it wireless.
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