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Air link and Link cable stop working after oculus PC app update

Honored Guest

After updating my Oculus app on PC air link and link cable connection to PC no longer works. On Oculus it says air link is pair and connected but when launched 3 dots appear for a few seconds and I am kicked back to the Oculus home screen. If i try with link cable same thing happens 3 dots for a few seconds then back to Oculus home. On the pc it shows the headset as active and connected but a notification appears saying the headset could not be found. My pc specs are fine rtx3080ti 32gb 3600mhz ddr4 ram ryzen 5600x. Virtual desktop can connect and load steam vr games fine, so internet is also not an issue. My router has 5ghz band wifi 6.0 and speeds over 1200MB. Ive reinstalled oculus software on pc and tried repairing but that did not work. I enabled developer mode and enabled setting about usb port detection that did not help. Ive restarted the headset and PC multipe times. My power settings are set to  max performance and the usb selective suspension is disabled.





Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey hey, @PeterDankMemes! We just wanted to pop on by to lend a hand with this Air Link and Link cable issue you are having; we know how this can really hinder your VR experience. We want to help in any way we can. Why don't you go ahead and follow this link to our amazing support team, and we will try our best to lend a hand with this issue. 

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