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Air link wont connect but usb has no problem

Honored Guest

I  have a recently purchased Quest 3. I have few problems connecting my pc to the quest 3 with a cable and it works fine most of the time.  When I try air link, it immediately finds the pc. When I try to pair, after a minute it says "can't connect to" my pc.  They are both on the same 5Ghz wireless network.  I have restarted the app and the headset seperately and together.  Reading up shows there have been multiple problems with the Air link.  I'm hoping someone has found a solution to what would appear to be a simple problem.  My pc is running windows 10.  Drivers are all the latest and greatest. Any suggestions?



@bagpipeman  the easiest solution is to try SteamLink [free] or Virtual Desktop [£18.99] to stream wirelessly to the headset.

Steam Link on Meta Quest | Quest VR games | Meta Store

Virtual Desktop on Meta Quest | Quest VR games | Meta Store

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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