03:52 AM
- last edited on
03:58 AM
Hi hoping someone can help.
On the home screen (cartoon room) The white border of my mirror (avatar reflection) shimmers and other borders move too. Plus in games like the net in eleven table tennis and in many other situations. I notice it a lot and it's really irritatating. It's mainly whites that are the problem.
Is it like this for everyone ? could someone check their home page (avatar) room and see if if edges are moving?
Kind regards
10-17-2024 04:02 AM
Hey @D1W,
Welcome to the Meta Community Forums!
I just had a look on my device there, and I don't think I am experiencing the same issues.
I would recommend submitting a bug report and if you haven't already, getting in touch with support here.
Hope this helps!
10-17-2024 04:45 AM
Thank you. I did that earlier when i posted this. My passthrough is very grainy too even in a full sun lit room so maybe it has got something to do with that. Some games look poor but others really good. It's a conundrum.
11-10-2024 11:01 AM - edited 11-10-2024 11:02 AM
I think I do have the same problem. Did you find a solution? It looks like bad aliasing along white edges.
11-10-2024 11:23 AM
I sent pictures in to meta support and was told this is normal :-). Majority of Quest 3 owners say their graphics are crystal clear. I'm unsure if they are telling the truth to be fair or if even quest 3's vary in general. They minimise the graphics to save battery life i'd say. Mine got worse when i was updated to v69.
However i have a solution it's called quest games optomiser which even works on the home page where your avatar is. Makes the majority of games much clearer. It's a must have to be fair and not expensive.
For a quick free test trial or buy eleven table tennis. That game has it's own built in graphics improver so you don't need optomiser . Crank it to 200 and you it will show you how good the graphics can be on the Q3 great game too. take care.
11-10-2024 12:23 PM
Thank you. I agree: Such things are very subjective and depend on what fidelity you are expecting. Many people might be used to such flaws of graphics and don’t mind or notice it.
I was upset though because the initial answer from the Meta support you got here in this thread was „no, that is not normal at all“.
I am still unsure though. One would need a second one to compare with. But it is good to have gotten that feedback of yours. And a technical defect somehow would look different, I think.
11-11-2024 01:54 AM
They said it was the games developer that sets the graphics quality which may be true.
But their home page! is so bad all my edges move, i think they have a say in what quality they want for their own home page lol. But for quest games optomiser i would have returned the headset. The pass through on the quest 3 is terrible but people seem to disagree. I hope they listen and make the quest 4 as clear as possible and forget about mixed reality unless it improves dramatically.
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