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All in one design

Honored Guest
I am hoping the design will soon separate optics from the processing so it does not all have to be in one big heavy headset. Why not have some of it in a blue tooth connected side or backpack. For example processing, power supply/battery. could optionally be plugged in.  So very little would need to go to the viewer as if it just displayed. All decoded Audio and video could simply go to the headset. That would make the headset much smaller and lighter. And actually the display could be two lenses that are specifically located for fitting directly over the eyes, more as eyeglasses. Adjustments for focus based on individual vision could be done in processing.

I don't pretend to have the background in all of these areas but, hoping this moves in that direction. I am looking forward to the day when I can walk through Machu Picchu and my daughter and grandchildren in Norway can join me virtually as a 3d image. Of course, that would require external cameras in her house (hello portal) but, let's go there. Anything we can imagine today, we can do tomorrow. 🙂 I am really excited about VR as the video of the future. I only experienced it for the first time at my son's house last week but I want to see this move fast. 

Honored Guest
Looking for my first headset, and one for my family in Norway. 

Honored Guest
Incidentally, I also purchased the Quest 2 Elite Strap and it does what it claims to do. Much more comfortable. I really think the headset should come with it. It appears to for Rift which is not nearly as heavy. At least it should be an inexpensive option. The carry case with Quest 2 Elite Strap was not in stock when I wanted it, so I bought it separatly. It would be great to get. a discount on the carrying case :).
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